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Three days until Halloween

Despite the temperature only being around 52° (F), the sun was out and about, so Demina looked rather odd as she walked around holding up a solid black umbrella, which blocked the rays of the sun's light from reaching her alabaster skin. She, though, paid little regard to the odd looks she got from passersby. Was she tired? No. This was her first day of real freedom in as long as she could remember. She was more determined to begin exacting her revenge than she was to sleep. And what better place to start than the crown jewel of the young nation of Auradon? She found herself at the tourney field of Auradon Prep, looking out among the tired managers, the drowsy coaches, and the sluggish athletes. One, in particular, caught her attention, her eyes following the large 8 on his back as Jay al-Mahras darted his way through a defensive formation. The star of almost all of the school's athletic squads, as well as one of the superstars of its social scene. Who could possibly make for a better minion?

She noticed him splitting off from the rest of the team, running over to one of the managers for some water. She winked and waved when he saw her, hoping to draw him over. It worked like a charm.
"Hey there. The name's Jay" Jay said as he took off his helmet. Behind him, the coach tried to yell at him to get back to practice, but gave up soon enough.
"Charmed" Demina replied while holding out a hand, careful not to let her fingers pass the edge of the umbrella's protective shadow. "Demina."
They shook hands.
"Strong grip" Jay commented as he pulled his hand away. "And geez, you've got cold hands."
"Do I now?" she asked in response. "I hadn't noticed."
"What's with the umbrella?"
"Albinism of the skin."
Jay blinked a couple of times. She'd lost him with the first word.
Demina sighed. "My skin" she explained. "It's sensitive to sunlight."
Jay nodded, checking his reflection as best he could in the reflection of the black sunglasses that covered her eyes. "Listen, I gotta get back to practice, but you can have my number, and text me sometime, how's that sound?"
"Lovely as that would be" Demina began, "I don't have a way of writing it down. Apologies. It'll have to wait until next time."
Jay shrugged, put his helmet on, and went back to practice. Demina noticed that she left his water bottle behind. Perfect, she thought to herself as she picked it up.
Before she could think to walk away with it, Jay took it from her hands and ran back to practice with it. Demina blinked a couple of times, before a ludicrous idea began to take hold in her head. She walked away from the tourney field, her head held high.

That night, Demina had ditched the umbrella. Her cape flowing in a light breeze, she lowered the velvet-lined hood of her rich black cloak, her heterochromatic eyes taking in every delicious detail of Auradon City at night. As her senses locked in on someone leaning against an alley wall, she strolled over.
Carlos de Vil was looking worse for wear. Since the trek through the cemetery, he'd gotten paler, much paler, and was shaking all over. Below him was, Demina could tell, a body. Likely a homeless person, it wasn't hard to tell what had happened. Carlos' mouth and chin were both bloody, with drops of the red liquid coming off of the fangs in his mouth as he breathed heavy.
"Don't come any closer" he warned, not even needing to look up to tell that someone was there. Demina approached, promoting Carlos to look over. He nearly screamed when he saw who it was; he, unlike Jay, remembered seeing the Wesley journal.
"You… you're…" Carlos stuttered.
"I take it you've heard of me." Demina delivered a sarcastic curtsy. "Demina Dracul, at your disservice."
"You… did you do this?"
"Do what?"
Carlos grabbed her by the cloak.
"What did you do to me!?"
Demina spun out of his grip, and shoved him into the brick wall.
"Nothing you can do anything about."
Carlos started hyperventilating, woozy from the impact with the wall, and then took off running, brushing past Demina as he pulled up his hood. Demina just smiled as she watched him panic. Nothing you do can save your world now, she thought.

Descendants: End of DaysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang