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Five minutes until Halloween

Demina had Jane pinned down. She'd just pushed Carlos off, and left Harry in the dust.
"I'm going to enjoy-"
There was no scream. No hiss, no anything. Demina just lurched forward, then stood up and looked down in time to see a bloodied rosary land at her feet. She could feel the silver burning her inside, and saw her blood drip from the silver point now protruding from her chest. The stake had missed her heart, but barely. She dropped to her knees. She looked up at Jane, then Carlos, then Harry, and finally Morgan, as they all walked around to face her.
"You think this is my demise?" Demina asked.
"I think it's the demise of your influence on this world" Morgan corrected.
"This is far from the end of my days, Morgan LeFaye" Demina looked up at her, the blue returning to her eye.
"Does the stake in your chest know that?" Carlos asked.
"Laugh and joke all you wish, Carlos de Vil, but deep down, you know this won't be the end" Demina said.
"Maybe none of us can predict the end" Jane replied to that. "But rest assured that you won't ever come out on top."
"Wise and noble words from Jane Faree" Demina taunted, cringing before she continued. "Tell me, child. Do you plan to be the one to enforce them?"
Morgan clasped her hands together, and the white aura around the stake returned. A demonic and unholy screech came from the pit of Demina's throat, a pained wail that echoed through the streets of Auradon City. It didn't end until Harry pulled the stake out of Demina, and she fell over, dead.

"What's going to happen to her?" Jane asked. She, Harry, Morgan, and Carlos were standing on the edge of the roof, overlooking the city.
"I'll talk to King Ben, make sure all necessary precautions are taken" Morgan assured her.
"What's going to happen to everyone?" Carlos asked. "And, if everyone else fell unconscious, why didn't Harry and I?"
"Most of them will forget, their memories dissolving with the poison in their blood" Morgan explained. "You and Harry had been turned long before anyone else, which is the reason why you're still conscious. It's also why you two were able to resist her when she called her minions to this place."
"Wait a bloody second" Harry said. "Didn't we see something about a second one? A lover she'd turned?"
"Grigorio Van Zetti" Morgan told him. "He's the one who wrote the account Jane found. He'd been turned by Demina. Given that he wasn't up here with her, fighting us, my guess is that she killed him and used his body to poison the water."
"Yeesh" Carlos shivered. "Sounds like an ugly way to die."
The four laughed. And then the bells rang. Church bells went off around the city, indicating the time. Midnight. Hallow's Eve had officially begun.

"Happy Halloween" Jane said to the group.
"Is it bad that I have a bag of candy corn in my jacket pocket right now?" Carlos asked.
"Only if you don't share it" Morgan said. As they distributed candy corn amongst themselves, Harry stood stonefaced, munching on a bag of candy corn of his own that he'd stolen from Mal's dorm.
"What is it, Harry?" Morgan asked.

It's back to the Isle for me" Harry said. Though it wasn't as bad as being condemned to the eternal life of a vampire, he still didn't like the idea of going back to the island. Ever since the barrier had been brought down, armed guards had taken its place, controlling who could and could not leave the Isle. And those guards weren't particularly happy with Harry.
"Wait" Jane said, prompting Harry to turn.
"What?" he asked.
"Stay for Halloween" Jane offered. "You'll love it, and besides, you did kinda just help save the world. Even though most of the world won't remember a thing."
"Will there be rum?"
"Jay made sure of it" Carlos informed him.
"Hmmmm…" Harry mulled over his options.
"Alright, lads" he finally said. "I'll stay for a day, so long as you've got more of this stuff." He was holding up his bag of candy corn.
"Tons" Jane said. "And Morgan, you should come too."
"I don't usually celebrate Halloween" Morgan confessed. "Religious reasons."
"Please?" Carlos asked. Morgan laughed a little and rolled her eyes.
"Alright, fine" Morgan relented. "I'll be there."

Halloween night

The party was in full swing. Carlos was playing DJ, dressed in a Joker costume to counter Jane's Harley Quinn. Jay's face was covered by a bloody hockey mask as he showed off his Jason Voorhees costume (one of the only times he'd ever be caught out in public wearing something with sleeves). Mal and Evie had gone through with a unique idea and dressed up as each other, a choice which was spreading all over social media. Even Harry was enjoying himself while decked out in a full werewolf get-up. Morgan watched from a corner, having recently arrived dressed as a vampire slayer (not like she didn't have the tools for it already).
"Morgan, is it?" a voice asked.
"Yes?" Morgan answered while looking over, seeing Ben dressed as Negan, a villain from some zombie show he'd gotten addicted to.
"I wanted to apologize about the way I acted during our meeting" he confessed.
"Truth be told, your Highness, I would've acted the same way if I'd been in your position."
"Well, despite some of the clearly unapproved things going on, this is turning out to be an awesome party."
"I see that."
"Why don't you come out and join the fun?"
Morgan blinked a couple of times.
"Why?" she asked.
"Because I'm asking?" Ben answered. She laughed.
"Okay, but only because the king of Auradon is asking me to do this."
Ben led Morgan to his group in the middle of the mayhem. The party carried on well into the Halloween night.

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