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a/n: the piece I linked at the beginning right above this (Chopin-Nocturne, E minor, opus 72 #1)is the one i mention at the end of the chapter so maybe listen to it once


That was how Yoongi felt. With every cut he made at night it felt like he cut at the ties that connected him with his friend, his brothers....they were family. But the more he gave in to the pain the more the distance between them grew.

Jimin avoided him. Only some looks had been exchanged since that night. 

The glares that his best friend directed at Yoongi killed him. He could see how upset the younger felt but he could also see something that was bordering on disgust. 

The person he had always confided in had learned to hate him. 

Jimin was disgusted by him.
He didn't care to support Yoongi, ask him about how he was doing. 

It was as if he had erased the person who was Min Yoongi and who had always received so much love from the dancer from his caring heart.

To Park Jimin Min Yoongi was probably already dead. 

He did not belong to him anymore. 

The safe haven he had found in the younger's arms had been taken away from him forcefully from one day to another. 

Yoongi had always prided himself in being oh so self-sufficient and independent. The kind of person who people depended on and not the kind of person who needed a shoulder to lean on. 

Whenever someone needed help they would go to him. 

Whenever they needed someone who would listen and give them advice he was the one who would sit there silently just listening. Letting the other talk so he could in return take the other's hands in his and lead the way. 

Jimin had always been one of those except for when he wasn't. 

Except for when he would see right through Yoongi's facade and gave him the hug he so desperately needed, gave him the advice and reassurance no one else would give him and would soothingly caress his cheek and comb with his hand through Yoongi's hair. 

However, now Yoongi was alone like he always had thought he was to begin with. 

The strong Min Yoongi who now turned out to be the "weak and disgusting faggot" just like his father had always told him. 

He turned out to be everything he never wanted to be and everything his father, the person he had looked up to his whole life time, despised. 

A Disappointment. 

That was what he was. Nothing more noting less. 

And now.......

Now Jimin had realized that too.

You are not my son.

What...What do you mean by that dad? 

Don't you dare call me that. You are a disgrace. A disappointment. 
I did not raise a weak and disgusting faggot.

You are not my son. 

His father had been right all along. 

He was a disgusting piece of shit. The fact that he had apparently been able to fool his band mates for so long had been a miracle. 

Now that Jimin had realized it what was he supposed to do? 

The younger had been his life line, his helping hand, the bungee rope that would pull him out of any deep abyss he had fallen into. 

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