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Yoongi had to say goodbye.
He needed to.
He heard somewhere that people regret not veing able to say goodbye to someone they knew before they committed suicide.

Yes he was going to kill himself. Finally he would say goodbye to the world and everything that had made his life a living hell.

So he made his way back to the dorms after a week or two of not contacting them or the managers.

Quietly he opened the door and let himself inbefore kicking off his loved red Converse Highs.

"Joon did you forget your wallet again?" He could hear Seokjin's voice travel from the kitchen to where he was standing. Frozen mid motion.

"Joon-ah?" Jin asked once again and made a beeline to where he assumed Namjoon was searching for his stuff.

"Namj-" He cut himself off when Yoongi appeared in his line of sight.

After the initial shock he approached him with a few strides.

The younger tried to escape to his room which however got stopped by Jin slamming his hand into the wall a few centimetres in front of his face.

"Explain." His hyung commanded while a glare stole itself on his pretty features.

Yoongi however couldn't get out a word. None at all.
He didn't want to talk.
Just say goodbye and leave.

"FUCKING TALK TO ME YOONGI!" He shouted at him.

It made the other recoil even more from his hyung however and he directed his gaze towards his feet.
His fidgeting hands were trembling, the only indication of how ge was feeling as his face stayed as blank as ever.

After a few seconds of pure silence he could hear shuffling of socked feet in the living room, the maknae line approaching the two oldest.

Jin must have not noticed or he probably wouldn't have done what he did next.
His hand that was adorned by several beautiful golden and silver rings collided with Yoongi's left cheek.

The impact made him stumble and crash into the wardrobe next to the door.

Pure fury no remorse.

Small gasps from some metres away, all eyes on their hyungs.

It was ridiculous.
This were the people he had loved, he had cared for, he had come back to to say his goodbyes.

They wouldn't even care if you were gone, his mind provided and made him release a low raspy chuckle.

The other's looked at him weirdly...concerned? No. More like disturbed maybe.

As he slumped against the door heavily he let his hand slide from his cheek that was throbbing in slight pain. Nothing he couldn't cope with though. He had done worse to himself before.

"Can I go to my room now? Or are you not finished yet?" Yoongi said, slight amusement at his hyung finally giving in to his hatred or indifference towards his dongsaeng.

Jin just gaped at him, opening and closing his mouth liike a fish, unable to say even one word.

With that Yoongi walked to his room that he shared with the man that just slapped him in the face past the three maknaes.

Jimin had his hand held in front of his mouth, his whole body trembling.
He had called himself the rappers best friend and yet he didn't do anything.

Taehyung was embraced by Jungkook. The older looking at his boyfriend helplessly while Jungkook had his lips in a thin line and his brows were furrowed.

As Yoongi slammed the door shut behind himself he slid down the wall as tears tried to roll down his cheeks. Sad chuckles slipped out of his mouth.

Honestly, Yoongi had never felt as broken as he did at that moment.

He had lost everything one by one.

A family.

His boyfriend.

And day by day, second by second even his closest friends that had been even closer even more precious to Yoongi than his parent or older brother ever were.

He had wanted to say goodbye to them.
Had wanted to not be burden even when he was dead.

But now.... now ... there was no one who would care even just a little bit about his death.

Yoongi had already known he was alone before that as well.
Now though after having been exposed to their anger and disappointment towards him it hurt.

It hurt more than any physical pain ever could.

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