The Betray Of J

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I wake to the sound of gunshots. I slowly stepped out of the room, peeking over the balcony that looked down into the lounge. There stood J a gun in his hand, he shot at the ceiling. What the fuck was he doing? He shot again, and then a third time.


His henchmen appeared, gathering around J.

"As you know Harley is currently in Arkham. Today I plan on getting her out. Now get ready... and Somebody clean up this mess!" he says pointing at the rubble that had fallen when shooting at the ceiling.

"Yes boss" the men reply and begin sweeping up the fallen plaster. I see J start to walk upstairs towards me .

"Were you listening to that?"

"Yes, it was kind of hard not to considering
how loud you were being!"

I see his jaw twitch in annoyance.

"Well in that case you know that me and the men are going out."

"Can I come?"

"No," he replies bluntly


"Because Jessie, my main priority is getting Harley back. The last thing I need is you in the way, causing distractions. You can't protect yourself. You'd be no help."

"Okay," I whisper under my breath feeling upset by Js words.

I walk past him heading down to the lounge, sitting on the sofa watching as the men prepare there equipment.

J came in and went over the plan. The doors in Arkham were electronic meaning that you would need security to let you in and out. J could easily storm in there and blow the doors off the place but he wanted to be as undetected as possible. They had gained access to the Arkham computer system which meant that they could open doors without creating too much of a scene. One man would stay behind and work on the computer making sure to open the doors at the right time. The men headed out.

"Go up to you're room and stay there?" J said before following his men out of the door. I walk up to my room and lay on my bed. I hope J and Frost will be okay.

My phone starts to ring. I swiftly answer it "hello"

"Jessie are you safe?" It's J, he sounds worried.

"Yeah I'm in my room, why?"

"It seems we have been betrayed. The man we left to operate the computer is working for someone else. He got us in to Arkham but now we are trapped. He's pretty much handed me in. We left all explosives behind and can't get out. You need to leave the mansion before he comes for your"

I'm in shock. I need to get them out of there. I have to help.

"Jessie, jessie answer me..." I cut off the phone.

I sneak out of my room, and down the stairs. What do I do if he tries to fight me? It's more than likely he will be armed. I take a knife from the kitchen, I hide it and head to the computer room.

One, two, three.... I burst in to the room. The man turns around surprised. He runs at me swiftly I move out of the way and he crashes in to the wall. He stands back up. He swings his legs under me causing me to fall. He pins me down and grabs hold of my neck. Starving me of oxygen. I reach for my knife. He realises and knocks it out of my hand. He lifts me from the floor and slams me against the computer desk, my hands wander around the desk in attempts to find a weapon. My hand finally grasp something. A lamp. I grab hold of it lifting it up above him before smashing it over his head.

The man was out cold. I look around the room finding some long wires. I use them to tie him up . I go over to the computers. On the first screen is Arkham CCTV which allowed me to locate J and his men. The second had a list of doors which would open when clicked on. Now all I had to do it click on the correct doors. My phone rang again. I answer.

"Jessie. Are you okay?"

"Yes J. I'm in the computer room now. I can see where you are on the screen. What door shall I open?" I say as I sit down at the desk.

"What about the guy?"

"I took care of it, which door? "

" we need to keep going. We haven't got Harley yet. Open door A15," I click the button and open the first door.

I continue to opening doors before they make it to Harley's cell. J stands outside.

"Jessie. Open Cell door H3" he orders me. I open the door and watch on the screen as Harley steps out. J pulls her towards him and kisses her. I over hear them talking through the phone.

"Puddin!" Harley shouts

"Come to daddy, oh Iv missed you kitten" J sounded so happy to see her. He didn't sound like that with me. Not anymore. Not since the Joker.

"Jessie open door G12" I do as I'm told.

I continue to obey orders and get them through the last door, hearing them all cheer. I take the phone and hang up turning to glance at the man who was still passed out. I walk over making sure the wires I had tied him in where doing there job. I then go up to my room resuming my position on the bed. A tear falls down my face.

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