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There are two words that describe people like my husband and myself that is people without children- these words are childless and childfree. I prefer to be recognised by the latter. To me, the former refers to people who want children but unfortunately for them do not; while childfree would refer to those who choose not to be parents. I am thirty-nine years of age, and I have been married for fifteen years. My childfree position is but one aspect of my identity, as a woman, even more than I may be willing to admit; but as I head towards forty, I look back at my life so far and think it is necessary that others know just what that one piece of the puzzle means to me. Also, I wish to give some words of encouragement to those who walk a similar path, as they may question their choice to not have children, or considers not having them in the future.

"Childfree" are my thoughts and experiences on being childfree.


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