Be prepared to defend your position

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So you've made the choice not to have kids, now you have to be prepared. For what? For everything else that will be thrown your way. The inconvenient questions, the guilt trips, the accusations and the disapproving looks. If you are not strong in your convictions these will take a toll on you.

Yes it is your business....but it doesn't stop friends, family, neighbours or even strangers from voicing their opinions about your choice. Earlier in life these inquiries would get to me, however as I approach forty, I bravely embrace my life decisions and refuse to be judged for my choices. Truth is, you have no one to answer to but whatever higher being you recognise- if any at all. People will always talk...let them, they will question.....let them. Everyone has their own path to walk. The choice is yours!

Finally, be happy with your choice. Live your life to the fullest, because it is possible, even if you do not have kids. Do not let the doubt of others affect your happiness.

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