Observation 3: A danger to herself and others?

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"You don't understand I just.. Stood there Perry." I run my hands through my hair watching as my best friend grabbed her patients charts for the day.

"Yes Laura, I know," she flips her finger through the stack of papers in her hand, "we discussed this last night, you were in shock that's all."

"Shock Perry?" I roll my eyes.

"And I still think we should talk to doctor Laf-"

"No no no no," I place my hands on her shoulders making her look at me with wide eyes.

"No?" She questions.

"It's just.." I bite my bottom lip in frustration, "I just don't want them thinking I can't handle this is all. I mean it's my first assignment and I'm afraid if I tell them-"

"They'll think you can't handle anything and fire you?" Perry finishes my sentence.

I shrug and release my bottom lip into a pout.

"Laura they're not gonna fire you over this, it's a safety issue."

"She's not dangerous," I sigh grabbing Carmilla's medication chart for the day. "I don't think." I whisper under my breath.

"You don't what?"

"Nothing nothing, I'll see you at lunch." I rush off before Perry could question my knowledge on Carmilla. Maybe it was time I looked at her file. Her patient history could give me a bit more insight of what I'm dealing with and maybe help me understand why she is the way she is. Normal wasn't the word for her actions, but I was finding nothing but anger in her.

I pass by her hall when heading to pick up her medications and I catch a glimpse of her. She, as always, had her attention on the book before her. I always wondered what was so interesting about the black covered book but I chose not to ask. Carmilla didn't seem to have any apparent triggers for her anger, she just seemed to hate being followed or noticed in general. It didn't make sense to me seeing that she helped me out the first few days I was here. What was her story?

I shake my head and begin walking again only to bump into a strong pair of arms.

"Woah there little hottie," the tall stranger says before me. I push away from him when I notice the white clothes he was wearing. He raises his hands in surrender. "Don't be alarmed, I'm only a 'danger to myself', not others." He was tall and athletic looking, also very..

"Like what you see?" He smiles flirtatiously at me and I scoff.

..Very young..

"It's nurse Laura Hollis, not 'little hottie', and where exactly are you supposed to be, um," I look for a name tag or any sort of resource for his name.

"Kirsch," he finishes my sentence with a hand held out to me. "and I honestly don't know where my nurse of the day is, but I'm sure they'll show up soon enough." He shrugs pushing his hand more out in front of him.

I take his hand and shake it, keeping eye contact with him and his wide smile. A smile like that almost makes him look too normal for a place like this, then again my judgement of character has been poor since I got here.

As I began to release Kirsch's hand Carmilla passes by, book in hand, whispering, "get a room." with a gloomy tone.  I roll my eyes quickly pulling my hand from the boys in front of me before he got any ideas. I watch as Carmilla passes and heads towards the restroom where a nurse watched over 24/7.

"Mind if I stick with you until your nurse comes around?" I sigh. I think after the intensity of yesterday's encounter staying away from Carmilla for the day would probably be best.

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