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We were at a random ice cream parlor sitting on a booth and eating ice cream. According to Corbyn's plan. He was only gonna treat Christina, but I swiped his credit card while he wasn't looking and payed for us all.

So we all got a treat from Corbyn, thanks to me.

Corbyn slouched in his seat and stared at me, "I don't like you."

I eat my ice cream mockingly, "I don't like you either."

"Glad we're on the same path." Corbyn grumbled.



"Oh, shut up," Christina shuts Corbyn up by wacking his arm, I snort at him as his girlfriend took the other team.

Corbyn quieted down and began to eat his ice cream again.


He glared at me again and grunted, but did nothing to piss off Christina.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Jack hiding a smile and Zach just looking at me with an amused expression.

After that, we head to the main part of
L. A., I didn't know what specific location we're going to, but I noticed when we're walking, no screams by the boys' fans were heard. Which I am thankful of.

"Oh em gee! Is that Why Don't We?" A scream was heard from behind us.

I spoke too soon.

As we all turn around, some girls were screaming and running down to us. And since I was the closest to them, I immediately put on my red hoodie up and turn as quickly as I could before anyone could even take a single picture with me in it.

I do not want everything to be repeated again.

I try pushing past the boys to get to the clearer sidewalk, but someone grabbed my arm, "Hey, wanna get a picture with them?" I think Daniel, asked.

One picture and they can fit the pieces together.

With my blunt tone, I answer, "Nope."

They all looked at me with a confused expression, but Christina understood me.

"Go ahead to the building's lobby." Corbyn pointed to the building, I nod.

The building looked really familiar. Like, really familiar. Maybe I had seen it on youtube or something, cause there was a ton of youtubers here.

I slipped away from them just as hormonal girls surround them on the sidewalk. Some people were giving them glares cause they blocked the path.

I shrugged, walking to the building, I saw them through the tinted glass, they were all smiling and laughing at the fans. Some of them were crying as they hugged Zach.

Jack was smiling.

That's all he did. He had all the joy in life, not caring about me and what I went through.

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