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It was the next day, and Jonah had dragged the boys and Christina and I to the Arcade.

"No." I protest, turning to the other side of the couch.

Christina agreed to go and started to dress up in another room, while I stayed in the couch trying to focus on the scene shown on the TV.

"C'mon it'll be fun." Daniel helped himself and sat beside an empty spot beside me.

I thought about it for a moment, in a few hours I will be alone in this house probably getting scared for no reason when it goes dark outside.


Christina comes out, all dressed. "I'll give you free pizza."

Without a word, I stood up and went in my room to change, the boys laughing in the process.

I come out seconds later, "I'm not gonna go to the arcade though." I say.

Jonah gave a look, "Kinda ruins the whole point you know."

"You get what you get."

It took us about 20 minutes to get to the place, While they were walking all excited, I took my time and went behind them.

"Heyyyy Eli!" Chance greets.

Yeah, they were there too.

The Martinez twins, Anthony, Chance, Jake, Tessa and the others.

I got lost in the process, but it was no big deal cause I could see the loud sounds the machines were making and the rattling of people. It was that obvious.

When I entered, I could already see the boys playing and Jack twirling himself with tickets.

If you know me, I hate arcades. Call me cheap, but it just wasn't worth the money being in this loud and sweaty place. But despite all that, I was good at the games.

Except for the claw machine.

I fucking hate those.

And right now Corbyn was failing trying to get a pink Stitch for Christina.

I quietly snicker, taking a quick video and posting it to my Snapchat story.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Ivan tapping Christina's shoulder and giving her a Teddy Bear.

"Playboy." I mumbled, narrowing my eyes. I mean, Christina was owned, plus, why did he have to act like that while all the people are here and could easily take photos?

Jake looks at me, I look back at him, he probably noticed it too.

And that was my cue to leave.

"I'm heading out." I tell Jake, looking out the door. Suddenly, the cake incident came back to me but I shrug it off.

"Where you heading?" He asked.

"I don't know." I shrug, "Have fun."

I sighed in relief when I was at a distance where I can no longer hear the arcade sounds that irritated me.

Actually, I didn't know where to go. Nor I'm familiar with this mall in the first place. Along my way, I find a bookstore not too far away from the Arcade. I made my way inside.

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