I am pt. 2

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"Tell who what?" Sydney repeated again and stepped into the room, making Koine slip the test into her pocket to hide it. "Uh it was about the show, the all stars wanted to do something with all of us." Taylor tries to explain as she looked towards Koine for help and she started to nod her head. "Yeah, Marko had mentioned something to me." she added, her voice uneasy as she looked between Sydney and Taylor. Sydney shrugged it off and went towards her room, Koine thought that both Logan and Sydney had gone to her room but he was still on the doorway on his phone. "Here take this." Koine says and Logan looked up to see what was in Koine's hand. 

"Holy shit." he says rather loudly, scaring both Koine and Taylor. The two girls looked between each other with worried looks as Koine grabbed Logan's arm and pulled into the room. "You keep your mouth shut." she stated, shutting the door. 

"About what?" he questions, "That Lex and Taylor are having a kid? Holy shit is an understatement." Koine looked towards Taylor with a face indicating that it was now or never and Logan would understand, at least she hoped. "Lex and I have never done it." Taylor says and Logan looked at her with a confused look. "What do you... oh god." he says, his thoughts going back to that night. "Me?" he asks and Taylor nods her head, "Oh shit." 

"Oh shit is right." Koine says and look towards her head with annoyed looks. "Not the best moment for that I'm guessing but if I do stand correct, your girlfriend and your yanno best friend is in the next room over." She gestured to the wall that separated Taylor and Sydney's rooms. They stood in silence, staring at each other as Sydney opened the door, "Hey Tay, Lex is here." She says, looking at them with all confused looks as she went to get Lex. "This just gets worse and worse." Koine says shaking her head. A few moments later, Sydney returned with Lex beside her. 

"Hey princess, is everything okay?" Lex asks, seeing her pale face and her red eyes from all the crying she had done. "Uh I gotta tell you something." Taylor replied and Sydney went to have her and Logan out to the living room. "No Syd, it's for both you and Lex." she replied. The two shared a concerned look as they sat down on the bed, Logan finding himself beside Sydney holding her hand. "So I'm pregnant." she finally says and Sydney face was a mix of shock and excitement as she looked over towards Lex who was looking at Taylor with a half angered look. "What's wrong, aren't you happy?" Sydney asks Lex who was now glaring at Taylor. 

"Who the fuck is he?" he asks, his voice tinted with anger, "Because last time I checked, we were waiting." Sydney looked between the two as Koine found it the moment for her to step out of the room and Logan looked down at his feet, releasing Sydney's hand. "Log?" Sydney asks and Lex over towards him. "No fucking way. No fucking way. How long?" he asks, crossing his arms. 

"A few weeks." Taylor whispers as tears pooled in her eyes. 

"You did that to her, you really did that to your best friend?" he demanded, referring to Sydney without even saying her name. "What about me?" Sydney questions. 

"Well Logan is the father of Taylor's baby, and they hooked up while dating both of us." Lex explained to her as Sydney ran of the room and from the apartment before anyone could see her cry. Lex looked at Logan, "fuck you" and then to Taylor, "fuck you as well good luck with the baby." With that he followed Sydney out the door and went to comfort the girl who was hurt by the people she loved most. 

Part Three will be coming soon, I really like this.  

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