Never Have I Ever

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The ten dancers of season 14 of so you think you can dance have found themselves sitting together in their bunks, small conversation going through the room as the driver announced that they were stopping for a half hour to fix an issue. "Are we ever gonna get there?" Kiki asks as he slumped back into his bunk. "Good question." Taylor replied, "You know we should do something like play a game." That caused the talking among everyone to stop for a brief moment and a few head nods occurred, everyone agreeing to play a game. "What about Never Have I Ever." Logan suggests. 

"Sounds good." Mark agreed as they all started with ten fingers up and everyone waited someone to get the ball rolling and say something. Kiki rolled his eyes jokingly as the lack of talking, "Never have I ever butt dialed something." Koine, Logan, Kaylee, and Mark to put a finger down and Kiki looked at Koine who was sitting beside him. "Umm never have I kissed someone of the same gender." She says and no one was going to put down a finger until Sydney and Taylor did. "Why do I feel like there's a back story to that?" Robert asks as the two girls looked at each other and laughed. "That's why we're never allowed to drink again." Taylor laughed making everyone even more confused as Dassy spoke up. "Never have I ever gotten drunk." The entire group of ten put down a finger, laughter among everyone as they tried to recall the last time they each had gotten drunk. "Never have I ever forgotten a dance." Kaylee says and once again everyone put down a finger and they laughed even louder. 

"Um never have I ever lost my virginity." Mark says, looking towards the youngest four of the cast and they all put down a finger, everyone prompting some shock from seeing Sydney admit to that. "Never have I ever hooked up with something from the show." Robert says and only Sydney and Logan put down a finger and that caused everyone to look at them in shock. Taylor just laughed a little and says, "You all are a little late to finding this all out." 

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