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A one night, once in a while type of thing worked out for them for a while. They were always together and of course the chemistry had been there so they couldn't the deny the feelings that were there for each other. After a year of secret little meetings, in either their apartments, or a studio closet would work too. For the longest times they always could hide these relations from friends, co workers, and worst of all their significant others. Her's a longterm relationship, that looked so innocent that they should've been married years ago, but things happen and times change. As for him, his relationship had only blossomed in the previous year as he was trying to figure things out in his life. 

And well his name is Robert, alumni of season seven of so you think you can dance. He had been a reoccurring all star for the show where he met her. The one that he would often find himself with after long rehearsals or maybe in bed the following morning. As for his relationship, well they had developed this love after dancing together on a season of the show and well everything had made sense. He was happy with her but something kept drawing him back to that girl every single time. 

"Robert we can't keep doing that." she constantly reminded him as she redressed herself, as he sat on the opposite side of the bed attempting to sneak away from her apartment after a long night together. "She won't, we're both careful about this." he says, reassuring her that his girlfriend, hell one of their best friends wouldn't find out what they had both been secretly doing for a long time. "But I can't keep hiding from him either." she says as she stood, walking around the bed and standing in front of him with an annoyed look, that made him roll his eyes. "I mean he could find out, he could want me to live with him again." she says, crossing her arms at his expression. The older dancer chuckled at her in a friendly way.

"Jen last time I checked you said you didn't want anything serious." Robert says as he stood up, slightly towering over the young Utah dancer. "Well, I do now. I have always seen myself with him and I don't think I could keep doing this to her after knowing that you both are together." Jenna says as Robert grabbed his long ago discarded shirt. 

"Remind me, we told you about our relationship, what four months ago and how many times have we continued this? Four, five counting this time?" Robert asks as Jenna followed behind, slipping an oversized hoodie over her head. "Five times." Jenna answered quietly as they left her bedroom, going towards the front door. They shared a few words before Robert left in his car and unknowingly to Jenna was headed towards his girlfriend's home. And as for her, she went back into her apartment and sat on the couch, thinking about her actions over the past few months. Jenna was getting back into a relationship with her on again, off again boyfriend, Val. The two had been together since she was nineteen and now they'd matured as they aged, or well he thought she had. 

She'd been only sneaking around with Robert for the past year while she and Val were apart and she was finding herself while he was trying to find love, everywhere. So she sent the final text to Robert may a second too late, a fraction of time that could've stopped her from losing a close friend that early March day. 

Jenna: hey rob, I don't think I can keep doing this to Gaby, this isn't right. 

And well Jenna didn't know as Gaby had been on Robert's phone while he was making them a nice breakfast, her smile instantly dropping as she saw the message from Jenna. Gaby looked up to Robert and asks, "So what have you and Jenna been doing to me?" 

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