I am Pt. 3

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Sydney had walked out to the front door before tears started to fall down her face. She sat on the front steps as tears rolled down her as she started to figure the details of that night that she had her world shattered. "Syd!" someone called and she looked behind her to see Lex coming out to her. "Hey don't cry." he says coming up to her as more tears pool in Sydney's eyes. 

"Let's get you out of here." Lex took her hand and led her towards her car as Sydney's tears continued to fall. He helped her into the passenger seat as he looked to see that Logan was looking out from the window. "What the fuck do you want? You already hurt her!" Lex shouted as Sydney turned her eyes away from the two. The curtain shut and Logan went back to tend to Taylor along with Koine's help since she was an emotional mess. Lex turned back to Sydney and kisses the side of her head, "I will make sure that he doesn't hurt you ever again." he promises as he closed the door and walked around to get into the drivers seat. He drove them back to his apartment, noticing that Sydney had fallen asleep in the car. Lex got out from the car and went around to get Sydney out from the car. He lifted her into his arms and carried her inside his apartment. Her head ended up on his shoulder as she slept, unawarely clinging to him in her sleep from the pain she had started to feel. 

Lex laid her on the couch and looked at her tear streaked face, his heart breaking at the sight. She didn't deserve to lose her best friend and her boyfriend in a day, but they betrayed her and let her out to dry. "No one's going to hurt you anymore." he pressed a kiss to her forehead and covered her with a blanket. He went to do some things around his apartment, coming back to check on her every once and a while. Towards ten o'clock, he found her awake on the couch again, tears threatening to spill down her face as she looked at her phone. Lex sat beside her on the couch, pulling her onto his lap, attempting to soothe her. "Hey, hey it's okay Syd what's going?" he asks. 

"T-This." she whimpered, showing him messages from other dancers, including Allison about them being rude towards Taylor and Logan. "You don't need to see that." he took her phone from her and sat it on the end table as he held her close. Sydney hid her face in his chest as the hour passed, "Why did they do that? I was next door, I was in there." Sydney says as more tears threatened to fall. "It'll be okay, I promise." he says as he laces their fingers together, "It'll be okay." She nodded her head and ended up falling asleep in his arms as he picked her up and carried her to his room, laying her down on his bed. She tightly gripped his shirt, as her eyes open a little, "Please don't leave." she begs. 

"Okay Syd." he whispers as he laid beside her and held her close. Sydney fell back to sleep a few minutes later and Lex was unable to fall asleep from how angry he was, that was his best friend too and Logan didn't just hurt him, he hurt Sydney too. He stayed up most of the night, making sure that Sydney slept okay but he was distracted by the sound of her phone going off. He quickly grabbed it and saw that it was Logan trying to call her. "Hello?" Lex asks as he answers the phone, unable to get from Sydney's arms. "Uh, Lex why do you have Sydney's phone?" Logan asks.

"Because you and Taylor made her cry herself to sleep." he replied, anger rising him as he tried to stay quiet to not disturb Sydney. "I was calling to tell her that Taylor is getting an abortion and I just wanted to talk to her." Logan explained. 

"Talk to her? After what you two did? Hell no, stay away from her. Have not thought the things that it made her feel, she has been crying non stop and you're best excuse to her is that Taylor is getting an abortion. That should not change her mind on any of this, you still cheated, you still broke her heart. You messed with her head and so help me if she hurts herself over you, I rather go to jail than see her in anymore pain. Now stop calling this fucking number and tell Taylor that she doesn't need the abortion because neither of us are coming back." Lex says and hung the phone before Logan could say anything else. He placed her phone back beside her and held her close, "He'll leave you alone, I promise."  

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