Supermarket Flowers

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Logan stepped onto the bus, looking around confused as to why Sydney hadn't met him before they would get on the bus. It had been become a tradition of the two to see fans before getting on the bus and spending time with the other cast members as they headed to the next venues. "Hey Tay have you seen Sydney?" Logan asks as he saw Taylor sitting on the couch, typing something up on her computer since she was still out due to an injury. "I haven't, she kinda disappeared right after bows, why?" Taylor asks as Logan shook his head and headed towards the bunks. "Nothing she just forgot something and I wanted to give it to her." Logan replied. He saw Sydney's current tightly shut and he bent down to open it up, seeing her curled up in a ball against the back wall. 

"Syd?" he whispers, turning her towards him to see that she was already fast asleep with a tear streaked face. He looked towards the door as other dancers began to get onto the bus and shut the curtain behind him. "Sydney?" he asks, attempting to shake her awake but with very little results. "Sydney baby wake up." Logan states, pressing two fingers to the side of her neck. His eyes went wide with concern as he barely felt anything there. "Taylor!" he yells and a few seconds later, Taylor came running back. And the moments after that became a blur as the other dancers joined them on the bus along with their medical staff that determined that Sydney had been dehydrated and malnourished, leading everything to rethink the past two weeks of tour. Completely missing blanking out on any possible memories of Sydney in this bad of a state. "How did we not see?" Koine asks as herself, Taylor and Logan sat in a row staring at different places, all three faces tear streaked as they tried to figure out what had happened. Kiki had set himself up beside Sydney's bunk on the floor with a pillow and blanket, keeping a careful watch over his little ballroom sister that he'd come to care very much about. 

"Why didn't I say something." Taylor whispers as a tear rolled down her face as Logan looked towards her. "What do you mean?" he asks. 

"Sydney was telling how she was sad and scared because of what people were saying on social media, I didn't think anything of it since we all get those comments, but then I looked at her page and my heart broke." Taylor says, showing Logan the screen, already opened to Instagram and one of Sydney's most recent posts. And within a few seconds, he was in tears from all the harsh things that people had been commenting to Sydney and no doubt there would be more if they were to check her direct messages. "I'm angry, no one has the right to do this to her. No one and I'm about ready to punch something or someone." Logan rambles as he got up and began to pace around the room. "Log calm down, I think she's awake now." Koine says as he turned back to the bunks and rushed to her side. "Logan? Kiki?" Sydney asks in a small voice as she looked to see that she had a small iv, helping her get some fluids that she hadn't been. "Sydney what happened?" Logan asks as she turned her face away and tears started to fall down her face. 

"I-I don't wanna talk about." Sydney answers and Logan and Kiki shared a look as Logan whispers, "I saw what they were saying on Instagram." This caused Sydney to look towards him with watery eyes. "Why do they do that? I never did anything to them." she says as she started to cry. "I know love and I will make sure that they don't hurt you again." Logan replied and kisses her forehead as he went to sit with Taylor and Koine again, trying to think of what to do while Kiki talked to Sydney quietly about different things to help her calm down. He finally got the perfect idea and took a picture of Kiki and Sydney, opening it up on his instagram and beginning to type...

'To the people that have been commenting such negative things on this amazing girl's account, you are unacceptable. She has done nothing to you and you continue to bully and mock her no matter the post or picture. She's been hurting inside because of the rude assholes that have been commenting and it is to a point where we are worried about her well being. The new time I see a comment like that on her page, I will have no problem coming after the person because no one does that to my girl, no one and it quite simple. Either keep your thoughts to yourself or get off social media because destroying a girl to this point is horrible and I will have no problem finding every single of those people that those nasty comments belong to and I will let the justice speak for itself. I don't want to lose the most important of my life so please be more thoughtful of things said on social media.' 

With that he hit post and breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that everything would starting to get better with his favorite person. 

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