The honey moon Part II

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After dinner, when she thought they were going back to the hotel, Castle said:

"The night is not over yet"

“are we going somewhere else?” she asked

"wait and see"

"I don't have another option” she said sarcastically 

The taxi stopped. They got inside a boat, as it started moving, they were inside a tunnel, a really big tunnel, some lights start appearing, and then a music start playing, but not any music, it was their music "In my veins", Kate pressed her head on Castle's chest and he kissed her forehead, when they reached the end of the tunnel, Castle and Beckett went back to the hotel and fell asleep in each other arms ice again just like in that afternoon.

The next morning they slept till 11am, this time Beckett was the first waking up, she was watching her husband sleeping "Husband" she thought to herself, she realised she was smiling.

"why are you smiling?" Castle asked as he woke up with her presence

"Morning! I was smiling about you!” Kate answered

"Am I funny?" he asked and she laughed

"Yes you are, but I was smiling about you being my husband, makes me feel stronger"

"well, in that case you'll be strong for the rest of your life, cause we’re going to spent the rest of our lives together. So maybe i think I should found a nick name to call you”

“Nope i don’t want that, at least we have our ship name” she said

"we do??" Castle asked

“You don't remember? you were the one who choose it in the Hamptons!" She couldn't believe that Richard Castle has forgotten their ship name.

"ohh Caskett is it??"

"Yes it is" she said kissing him

"I love you” He said between kisses

"Love you too Castle"

A/N: I'm sorry about the short chapter but I don't have a lot of ideas for the honey moon, but I promise you the Filipines chapter will be amazing, I will continued update


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