In the interrogation room

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Beckett and Castle went into the room together.

"Hi again Emily" Castle said

"Miss Collins, if this is your real name, you'll have a lot to explained" Beckett said

"I don't know what you're talking about" she said

"Tell me one thing, have you ever heard the name of 3XK or Jerry Tyson?" Beckett asked

"Isn't that the serial killer you two were trying to catch but you can't?!" Emily said gaving them a synical laugh

"Yes it is" Castle said puting his hand on Kate's knee cause he knew she was angry at the woman

"Tell me this, the bank account where Mr Castle were suppost to sent you the money, was the name of a bank account related to a big drug project where Senator Bracken the future president is involved, now tell me about you realationship with senator Bracken?".Beckett said

"My relationship? We don't have a relationship" Miss Collins said

"so why we check your phone calls and we found that you call him around 20 times this week and sent him a message asking him to meet in you house on monday" Beckett said getting really furious

" You must be confusing me with someone else"

Beckett stand up looked at er an said "hey B**ch we have proves enough to sent you to jail( she was lieing, they hadn't proves)" then she started talking much louder" So now you going to tell me everything you know"

Beckett fainted

"Call 911" Castle said looking at the mirror to Espo and ryan

When Gates listen Castle screaming to call 911 she got in the interrogation room where Beckett was on the floor

"What kind of joke was that Mr. Castle?" she asked but when she saw Beckett on the floor

"What happen" Gates ask

"she fainted" Castle answer

" Do you have any idea why?" Captain

"Sir, she's pregnant" Castle admited

"Excuse me?! she's what?"

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