Issue 4

54 4 0

"Phantom division."

"Never heard of it."

"Good," He paused as Chen returned with our coffee and pie. I didn't like apple pie all that much but I took a spoonful of ice-cream to calm myself. The Pantheon weren't like the police or army; they were protectors of the world, champions, and heroes about and beyond the law. Like the Greek gods of old, I guess that was what the name was about

"So what do you want from me?" I looked down, finally breaking contact with his eyes in what felt like a long time. I felt silly; I had been imagining that he was coming on to me, but really he was some sort of investigator and thought... well, I don't know. Was I a person of interest? Given the time of year; I mean... well aside from the first time I had gotten my powers I hadn't caused any trouble on that scale again. I could control the Hem'skaar a lot better now.

"Tony Macgreggor."

"He's dead. Wait; you don't... I mean; how did he die? I figured it was a car accident or something."

"Chemical and thermo-plasmoid expansion. He took out half his house in the blast." He sipped his coffee and winced like it tasted bad. I guess it wasn't the expensive seven-hundred-dollar bat shit beans he was used to.

I considered my answer. Feeling a little chilled. Did the Pantheon think I had something to do with Tony dying? My power was described as a thermos-plasmoid expansion, but I couldn't... and I wouldn't.I felt sick; I'd seen what that did to a dog- let alone a human.

As his sponsor it was natural to question me. I was a known associate, "Well I understand, I think. You want to know more about him, and obviously if I am in some way capable or responsible for his death?"

"You have grasped the situation adeptly."

"Alright, for the part about me; the Hem'skaar does give me the ability to make things explode, but as I'm sure you're more than aware; I only affect Cucurbitaceae. Don't look so surprised that a girl with a high-school education can say such a big word. I might be poor but even I have the internet," I shook my head, "In a strictly hypothetical sense, if I wanted to do something like that, I couldn't explode an actual person. I would have to use a mould or gourd. I guess a squash would be enough; but the explosion wouldn't take out a house. I'd need a watermelon or at least a rock-melon for a house."

"According to your file, the symbiote is conscious and intelligent; could it have acted without your knowledge?"

I instinctively reached down; gently stroking my stomach. The symbiote cooed and warmed my fingers. "It could have; but... well... there's no reason for the Hem'skaar to do that. Tony was a nice guy. Unless I'm in danger, the symbiote doesn't react. And its intelligence is more like that of an animal; it wouldn't be able to pre-meditate something like murder."

"You seem very upfront about this, Dion."

"Shouldn't I be?" I put an elbow on the table, listing off with my fingers as I spoke, "One, I have no motive to kill Tony. We weren't close, but we were friends. Two, Tony would have survived an attack from me like it was nothing. Three, I haven't had an incident in months. So I have no motive, no real means and as for opportunity; well I don't know when he died. What I don't get is, if he was murdered; how and why?"

"He was exploded."

"Oh, I get that. But I mean; Tony was pretty much invulnerable to everything. I don't know how his power worked exactly, but you make it seem that someone just... clicked their fingers and he died. He would have fought, probably beaten anyone," I frowned. "Unless he had some sort of weakness I don't know about."

"You see the surface of the situation. I like that. Alright. I've decided, Dion."

"You've decided?"

"You're going to help me solve this case."


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