Issue 24

39 5 3

12 hours without incident

I walked through a restaurant of the rich and powerful, important socialites in nothing but a Victoria's secret pair of panties and bra and expensive heels. And there must have been something on my face because not a single person stopped me or made light. A few stared, a few turned with a shocked expression; but no one challenged me, no one yelled out 'cover that streaker!' or 'hey baby wanna tune my mustang' or any vulgarity I could imagine. Maybe because I was already heading for the exit, maybe because I looked like I would blow up the next asshole who picked a fight with me, or... well, maybe because anyone alone at night walking out of a restaurant naked has enough problems.

It wasn't the right season for me to pretend I'd been in a pool and these were my bathers. It was too goddamn cold.

I hit the sidewalk and the cold air hit me like a hammer. I'd left my purse on the damn table so I had no phone, no money, no ID. Fantastic. I was naked, stranded and freezing.

I walked the full block, but I'd never been in this part of Capita city, it was unknown territory and I was going to get lost before I walked all the way home or something like that. Great thinking Dion. Fantastic. Really wonderful.

What the hell had I been thinking? I'd been a bundle of nerves all day, but walking out of the place like that? I mean—sure, it had been worth it to see that gobsmacked look on Ash's face but perhaps I had gone overboard? Oh hell, I'd gone very overboard. There was just something about him that drove me totally nuts. He was just so arrogant! Like he thought that I was somehow predictable or that he could somehow get inside my head with these stupid games.

What the hell was I going to do? I needed to get some clothing on first, aside from the stares, it was just inviting trouble, walking around like this.

I walked down another block and spotted a public phone. Oh great, no money... well maybe I could call the police? It wasn't a dire emergency but I would get arrested for public indecency considering what I was wearing; and surely they might take pity on me and give me a ride home?

I scurried to the phone, sighing as a few people noticed the crazy lady scuttling along the edge of the street lights. At least there weren't too many people about. All I needed was a crowd taking photos of me.

"Please state the nature of your emergency?" The automated voice on the phone answered as I dialled in triple zero.

"I need the police."

The phone beeped and started ringing. Then I got a list of messages like 'it's a felony to phone without cause' and 'if you need medical aid, phone a hospital' sort of thing. After almost thirty seconds it finally rang through to a person.

"How can I help you?" No long winded introductions after that, just straight to it.

"I'm naked, standing in the middle of the street and I have lost all my ID."

"Are you injured?"

"No. but I'm really cold."

"Alright, Ma'am, I'll dispatch someone to come and pick you up. Do you know where you are?"

I gave him the corner of the street I was on and listened to the lecture about sitting tight and gave him my details. It was embarrassing, but at least I wouldn't be arrested, I hoped.

"M-o-r-i-a-r-t-y, Dion. I can give you my date of birth," He cut me off before I could finish.

"Oh, I'm sorry Ma'am, I didn't realize you needed to be transferred. Do you still want a police car to pick you up?"

"Uh... yes...? What do you mean...?"

And then the phone played some hold music before someone else picked up, "Welcome to the Pantheon emergency switch board, how may I help you?" An American voice began in a light tone.

"What just happened?"

"Excuse me?"

"I... rang the police and the guy just transferred me—I don't..."

"Can you give me your name and social security number?"

"Why---? I'm hanging up."

"Please don't hang up. Are you in an emergency Ma'am?"

"Well- yes but..." I frowned, "Look, I don't think I was supposed to be transferred, I don't think I should be on this channel," I hung up.

Where had the switchboard guy meant to transfer me? Or was it because my file had an orange card? Maybe he thought it was something weird. I laughed a little at that. Weird trouble, eh? Like a naked woman in the middle of the city on a weeknight?

I sank down to my ass by the phone and pulled my knees in tight around my body, trying not to shiver too much. Hopefully someone would come soon. I didn't care if they questioned me for six hours straight- so long as they had some clothing.

I rested my cheek on my knee and wasn't surprised to find I was crying a little. I was just getting too emotional because I'd had alcohol on an empty stomach. I hadn't done anything wrong- but it felt like Whisper was torturing me!

I guess, to be fair, he hadn't forced me to strip and storm out; but what the hell did he expect to happen when he said that? Who the hell did he think I was? Some fawning stupid debutant? I guess I'd been happy in a way, because he was paying so much attention to me. Any girl liked thinking someone was watching, or noticed her in a good way; but every time I thought it meant something, he'd backtrack. I was neither what he wanted, nor what he was interested in. I was reading too much into him.

Something wet hit the ground nearby. Rain. Fan-fucking-tastic. I buried my head in my hands, trying to calm the sobs that were threatening to choke off my throat.

"You are driving me insane," A coat fell over my head.

I blinked and pulled it off my head and down a little so I could look up. Whisper was standing over me. He'd lost the jacket, currently on my lap, and his hair was looking mused. Hmph.

"What do you want?" I broke eye-contact and looked away, not wanting him to know that I'd lost most of my nerve already. I wiped at my face so he couldn't see my tears.

He held out a hand.

I stared at him, wondering what the play was this time, but all I could see was him, he was leaning over me, warm breath still touched with the wine he'd been drinking at dinner.

The sky began to let loose with full droplets of rain, pattering around us and the sidewalk. He didn't move, hand still extended.

"I'm sorry, Dion."

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