Issue 25

47 4 3

I blinked, trying to muster more anger to fuel my indignation, but I was cold, it was raining and who knew if anyone else was going to rescue me. Plus, there was a mad bomber who had a hard-on for me.

I sighed and swallowed some of the pride that had gotten me into this ridiculous situation to start with and took his hand. He pulled me up and wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me against his chest.

It was a tender motion that destroyed my will to fight then. I could feel the frightening thunder of his anxious heartbeat under my cheek and the warmth of his body. Droplets of water licked at my hands and the thin white shirt he was wearing. He was warm enough, and I was shivering badly enough that I didn't mind so much.

Slowly his heartbeat calmed, like he'd been running a marathon and was finally coming down. Why so upset? I didn't understand him at all.

"Come with me, please?" He murmured in my ear. Not a demand, but a request.


He reached up, those intense red eyes staring into mine, "Because I need you." His gaze was drowning me, his palm cupping my face. I could feel the warmth from those hands, and the chill of the rain trickling around us.

His lips brushed mine hungrily.

I leaned against his body, feeling that warm fire inside him spilling out across his tongue. His arm hit the wall a moment before my back did, bracing us against the intensity rising there. Cold, damp concrete pressed against my back; his dress shirt scratched at my stomach, the thick buckle at his belt was pressing against the symbiote on my stomach. I groaned into his mouth, feeling his fingers against my spine, his tongue laving at mine. I had no air; forgetting to breathe through my nose as I was washed away in the heightened sensation of him.

He pulled back after a moment, whole body shaking, "You really know how to get under my skin, woman."

"You started it."

His mouth was back, threatening to consume me alive with tongue and kisses. He kissed like he wanted to steal my breath, drown my senses under his own. He kissed like it would break through me, shatter my skin. I let him. God, I couldn't have not; it was like being drawn under an unbreakable spell; warm skin against mine.

Finally after what felt like an age, he drew back, "We can't do this here."

"We're not doing anything, anywhere," Yeah, cause the way I had a leg hooked over his waist like that statement was convincing either of us.

"Resistance is futile, Dion," He growled, knotting a hand through my hair and demanding another burning kiss. Oh man, I was trembling from something a little more than cold now. He had to stop kissing me like this, I was going to do something stupid.

"I'll do as I please, Ash," I said, using his first name. I leaned back and ran my tongue over my bruised lips, daring him to catch it again. He made a guttural noise and leaned forward, catching my lower lip and sucking on it lightly.

"It's cold out here, Dio."

"Only my friends get to call me Dio."

"I intend on being very friendly."

"Don't make me laugh," He pulled me with him, grabbing my ass and lifting me up like I was a child, in retaliation I wrapped my legs around his waist, crossing my ankles so he had to support my full weight. It didn't seem to bother him, "We're not friends."

He stumbled back and fumbled with the door of the car he'd parked on the street, turning and leaning down until my ass touched warm leather. Suddenly I understood the appeal of heated car seats. He crawled over me; a palm on either side of my head, trapping me. His lips found my neck and his licked and kissed his way down toward the thin black fabric covering my breasts, "I'm a good friend to have, Dion."

"You're not making a case for friendship."

He paused and grinned, it was all male, "No, I suppose I'm not."

Oh man, my insides were melting. When his attention was on me like this—shit... "We should stop, this is madness."

"I know," He said, stopping; panting lightly, staring down at me. I felt tiny in his arms, he was over six-foot but I hadn't noticed that until now, trapped under his hulking form. His red eyes shifted, gaze drifting down my body and stopping just about my navel. The symbiote.


"Give me a good reason," He challenge, then his head ducked.

I caught my breath in a hiccough of noise as he ran his tongue over the dark outline of flesh. The symbiote purred and heat shivered across my spine in a rush. Holy shit. I remembered thinking he was the sort that would do something like this.

"I... have a good reason," I gasped out, squirming against him. I was having trouble thinking with his tongue on the symbiote and the thick crawling heat rushing lower in my body. I frowned, biting at my own knuckle in an effort to form normal thoughts, "Uh... what about your girlfriend?"

"I don't have a girlfriend," His fingers moved up, touching my breasts through the soft lace of the stupid bra I was wearing. Holy shit, that was good.

"I... uh..." Ring... Ring. Ring on his finger. God, but what if that was a mistake? "We shouldn't do this here."

"No, we shouldn't," He sighed and sat up a little, his eyes staring down at me.

I shifted, covering my chest self-consciously. It made him chuckle, "Dion, you just stripped down to your panties in a public restaurant, now you're covering up?"

"You think I can't be embarrassed? The way you look at me, it's embarrassing."

"And how do you think I look at you?" His gaze ran across my body like he was daring me to protest.

"Like you're going to eat me."

His lip quirked, "You are nothing like I expect, Dion."

"Because you keep expecting me to be something I'm not."

"And what is that?"

"I don't know. But whoever it is you think I am, I'm not."

"I know," He sighed and sat back, "Come on, let's go somewhere warmer."

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