Issue 34

33 5 0

If I needed a safety briefing, I would have been given one. Besides; the Ares Squad were the most famous team of Pantheon members.Fast-lane had always seemed like the social sort on television and he seemed just as relaxed and laid back now as he did when giving interviews; everything was just light-hearted sport for him. I wondered if that was common amongst heroes, the others had a restrained, but relaxed aura about them as well and I wondered what part of it was just some sort of naïve trust that I was legitimately supposed to be here or if it was just the knowledge that even if I started something, they would finish it. I guess that sort of power did make it easy to allow people to tell you outlandish claims without really caring if it was deception or not.

"Alright, alright, Robert- what do you think?"

"I don't think much about it at all, Collin. Are you going to let him hang on your arm like that all night? He's like a dog showing dominance, you know? "

There was a long pause in the conversation and I realized that they were waiting for me to respond. I frowned, realizing that I hadn't given them my name or—"Uh, I thought it would be rude to—I'm Dion, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier."

Fast-lane finally took his arm off, I think he was pleased that the Count had mentioned it. I could read subtle context as well as the next person. And gossip was pretty heated about those two, "No worries, Dion. You were obviously blown away by my amazingly charming and graceful self."

"Who would be amazed or charmed by you, Collin?" Jade snorted.

"I'm sorry, who was on the front of Sports Core Muscle Builders last week?"

"They always pick you because you're white."

He laughed, and then, louder, laughed again like there was more than one joke, "I think they pick me because I can be at their studios in LA and then jet across to California before lunch."

"God, you are such a show-off," She rolled her eyes, "Ignore him, Dion. He'll brag about exactly how fast he is all night if you let him, 'I can run on water, I can vibrate my molecules and teleport' He's full of hot air."

"I swear it's true! That one time-"

"One time doesn't count."

We arrived at the cafeteria, it was abuzz with activity. Several tables and chairs had been laid out around the place and the walls were literally lined from side to side with vending machines. A lot looked like they had been bought from japan- I didn't speak any Japanese but the writing was pretty distinctive- and boasted hot burgers and chips. We lost Fast-lane as he whoosed off, and the only way of tracking him was the blurry afterimage of his uniform. Woah.

"C'mon, let's find a table while Collin grabs us something to eat."

I glanced around, not sure if I was supposed to be in a place like this.

"It's his treat. He owes me from last week. He crashed at my house and ate everything." Jade grumbled, again, still escorted I was seated between her and the Count.

"What about you, Dion? Any side-effects of your Powers?"


"He means the downside," Collin appeared again, arms literally bulging with bundles of food and dumped them on the counter. He sat down immediately and began to tear into a burrito. Ah, hyper-metabolism. They said it killed speedster's at twice the speed. He might only live to be forty, if he was lucky. Tough break.

"Uh—well nothing like cravings but... I mean, my abilities aren't practical or..."

"Robert, she's modest. Something Collin could use."

"Hey guys, did you bring a civilian on board?" This from a brunette man. He was partially attired in spandex of some sort, a gym-shirt over his chest and the scent of a man who'd recently been in the gym. I guess some heroes had to work out too. I recognised him even without a mask, he had a smile like it belonged on a toothpaste commercial. Captain Strike. He had some sort of de-atomization ability that had given him some seriously scary press. I didn't know much about it, but it was said that one time a villain had controlled his mind and he'd killed dozens of heroes before they'd wised up and taken out the villain.

"Not us, Phantom," Collin emphasised Phantom's name.

"Oh, just kidding, like I wouldn't recognize you- you're that Samhain chick right? I was just reading your article in playboy."


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