Chapter 4

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Mr. Banner started announcing the lab for the day. I breathed a sigh of relief and paid more attention to his words than I ever had before, desperate for the distraction. Only when he finished and started handing out materials did I realize that Chelsea  and I would be working pretty much on our own for the hour.

I had to talk myself down from the ledge. Relax Justin. Just stay casual. It's no big deal. Do NOT think about her breasts...

I calmed down after a moment, and Chelsea and I began passing slides back and forth to view under the microscope. I encouraged her to look first, so I could study her unaware. She really was beautiful—her skin was so pale and clear. Her lips were exquisite—I could imagine so many things I wanted her to do with those lips. When she disengaged and shifted the microscope in my direction, I was startled out of my reverie. Chelsea gave me an uncertain smile.

As I handed her the second slide, my hand touched hers and the jolt of electricity at the contact surprised both of us. Chelsea  actually jumped a little bit and then blushed. And that blush reminded me of when we were in the shower this morning. I mean, of my fantasy of her in the shower that morning. That was a bad thing—little Jerry started reacting. Oh my God, I just nicknamed my penis. My brain is turning to mush...

"Is everything all right, Justin?" I heard Chelsea ask sweetly.

"Sorry. I just got distracted for a moment there." I gave her a reassuring grin and she blushed again. Could she be any more beautiful when she blushes? Would she turn that lovely shade of pink when she comes? Should I just take her out in the woods right now and find out?

We finished the lab quickly. Chelsea was intelligent, no question. She knew the subject matter as well as I did. Damn it, that wasn't supposed to happen. Strike one for the Chelsea  Resistance Plan.

It was getting awkward just sitting there. I struggled to find a subject matter to converse about. You'd think I had never spoken to a girl before. Finally, inspiration struck.

"So Chelsea, I understand you're new to Forks. What do you think of the place?" Lame Justin. And DO keep your eyes on her face for God's sake.

She took a quick glance around the room and then leaned towards me, whispering conspiratorially, "I hate it. How about you?"

I couldn't help chuckling at her response, but then she did that flippy thing with her adorable ponytail and her scent hit me. Little Jerry roared to life, threatening to become Jerry Monster. Oh no—please not that.

Chelsea was still waiting for an answer. My brain re-engaged. "It's not my favorite place on earth—let's just leave it at that." Although I am starting to like it a whole lot more...

She leaned towards me again, closer this time, and her V-neck T-shirt gaped a bit. I caught a glimpse of a blue lace bra, cradling her luscious full breasts. The monster roared in pleasure. Dear God, why did it have to be blue? I think a small whimper may have escaped me. I tried desperately to focus on what Chelsea  was saying. Concentrate on the words coming out of her mouth, Justin, not what you'd like to do with her mouth...

"Please don't tell anyone I said that. It wouldn't be good if word got around that the police chief's daughter couldn't stand the place," she added, concern showing in her eyes.

So trusting – she probably would follow you into the woods, the monster hinted with glee.

"Don't worry, Chelsea ," I said with a smile. "May I ask why, though?" Perhaps I can make Forks a more...desirable place for you, hmm?

She smiled again, looking even more alluring. My heart skipped a beat.

"Well, first and foremost, I miss the sun. No one would ever suspect I'm a sun worshipper, since I'm so pale, but it's true."

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