Chapter 5

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At the hospital, I had to keep reassuring Carlisle that I was okay. He knew something was wrong with me, but I was unable to confide in him. It was just too humiliating. I mean, what could I say? Please come home now so we can start packing up the house—we're all going to have to move to an obscure town in the Klondike? Eventually, he gave me his car keys so I could drive home, saying he would get a ride with a colleague.

I waited what I thought was a sufficient interval to make my escape from the hospital. My timing could not have been worse. As I walked past the examination rooms, Chelsea emerged.

I started to walk on by, but I heard her call, "Justin, please wait," in a plaintive voice. I stopped but didn't turn around. She moved to stand in front of me, but I couldn't look up at her.

"I wanted to thank you," Chelsea said sincerely. "You probably saved my life."

My eyes shot up to hers—this wasn't what I was expecting. I dismissed my actions. "I responded precipitously, Chelsea. I don't believe the van would have hit you at all. I just...overreacted." I was having trouble looking her in the eyes and was desperate to get away.

She touched my arm and I stepped backwards. Why did she look hurt? She was going to have a real laugh telling the story at school tomorrow. I cringed as I visualized her repeating the lurid details to her lunch crowd.

"I have to go, Chelsea," I said tersely, walking away. I left the hospital and went straight home, going upstairs to hide in my room. I had to re-think things.

First, I had experienced an unprecedented physical reaction to Chelsea. My initial idea, and a completely valid one, had been to discover that as a person, she couldn't live up to my expectations. That plan had utterly failed. She was fascinating as well as beautiful. I started to like her. That had been another error. I had now put myself in her power—the power to wound as well as the power to humiliate. That was two mistakes in a row. What was wrong with me? I needed a new plan...

The solution was obvious.

The new and improved Chelsea Resistance Plan was elegant in its simplicity. Chelsea simply didn't exist. I would no longer acknowledge her presence. I wouldn't speak with her. She simply wasn't there. Of course, before full implementation of the plan, one last wank couldn't hurt...

As time went on though, it became increasingly clear that resistance was futile.

Yes, I did my best. Other than a curt nod in response to her greeting in Biology the next day, I kept to myself. Chelsea  looked hurt and confused for some reason. I kept waiting for the whispers and hidden laughter in the hallways. The fact that I never actually heard any didn't do anything to dispel my nervousness or my commitment to the plan for that matter.

As I put more effort into ignoring Chelsea, it seemed that my body reacted to the same degree in the opposite direction. Regardless of how many times I told myself she didn't exist, the monster required regular feeding. Every morning in the shower I satisfied myself to my increasingly elaborate fantasies. Every night I took Chelsea in my mind. More and more often, the monster couldn't even make it through the day without sustenance. Sometimes I went to my car at lunch time and drove to a secluded road to gratify myself. My obsession grew...

I now had an entire stable of Chelsea fantasies to choose from. Of course, the not-so-innocent schoolgirl seduction scene was still one of my favorites. I had imagined it so often I could no longer even look at anything plaid without getting an erection. But I didn't want to wear it out, so I had developed an entire library of mental erotica to supplement it.

There was Chelsea, on her hands and knees as I roughly took her from behind, my fingers gripping her lovely ass, keeping her steady for my urgent thrusts. She really loved doing it doggie style. Depending on my mood, I also enjoyed the version where Chelsea was on top of me, riding me like a rodeo champion. She often had multiple orgasms in that position. I particularly enjoyed Chelsea, naked and on her knees, sucking me off with those fabulous full lips of hers while I squeezed and fondled her breasts. God that was a good one. The variety was endlessly fascinating.

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