Chapter 6

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Midnight Desire Chapter 6

Looking like the proverbial deer caught in headlights, Chelsea waited for me to say something. Why had I called her name? Where was my brain? You're thinking with the wrong head again, Justin!

I said the only thing I could think of: "I'm sorry, Chelsea."

She looked down before asking softly, "Sorry about what?"

Sorry for being such a dick, Chelsea. Or having such a dick. Whichever.

I cleared my throat and added more formally, "I've been very rude, Chelsea. You've done nothing to deserve that. I apologize."

To my dismay, she looked a little indifferent. "You're under no obligation to be nice to me. We don't have to be friends." With that she sauntered off, leaving me with my mouth hanging open.

Okay, that went...horribly. I suppose it could have been worse—she could have spit at me or something. But clearly, I had made another huge mistake. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. I just had to fix this.

I went to my next class in a daze and left it the same way. I wasn't gripped by lust this time—it was fear that dogged my steps today. Fear and lust—they seemed to be about the only feelings I experienced anymore. Fear and lust come to Forks—my life sounded like a cheap soap opera.

I passed Chelsea's  God-awful truck on the way to my car. She was talking to Eric Yorkie. My ears picked up and I slowed my pace, trying not to be too obvious. Christ, he was asking her to the dance too! Eric fucking Yorkie! I didn't even know nerds could dance! Seriously, he made Bill Gates seem like Johnny Depp. Chelsea couldn't like him, could she? Relief hit me for the second time that day as I realized she was turning him down as well. I also couldn't help but notice that she was being nicer to him than she had been to me, although clearly I was deserving of her contempt.

I was so caught up in my thinking I forgot about my siblings. I started to pull my car out of the space before I realized I was about to leave without them. I turned to look around to see if they were anywhere near so I could avoid having to pull back in and look even more stupid. My eyes hit the rear view mirror, and I realized I was now holding up traffic and, of course, Chelsea's  truck was right behind my Volvo. She'd probably think I did this purposely to annoy her. I was about to pull back into the parking space when I noticed Tyler Crowley waiting in his new car behind Chelsea's truck. As I deliberated what to do, I saw Tyler exit his car and walk over to Chelsea's  truck, knocking on the window. I quickly lowered my window as well, hoping to overhear him.

Unfuckingbelievable! Now Tyler, the guy who had almost killed Chelsea  with his van, was asking her to the dance. And like a complete ass I had just given him the perfect opportunity to do so by idling here in my car. I felt like banging my head against the steering wheel. I think I would have if I hadn't heard Tyler yell, "We still have prom," as he walked away from her truck. Apparently, she had refused him as well. I jumped as my car doors opened, signaling the arrival of my siblings. I looked in the rear view mirror one last time to see Chelsea glaring at me. Shit. I hit the gas and bolted out of there.

I was restless that night. Although I had retired to my room early, I couldn't sleep. I suppose it didn't help that this was the first night since meeting Chelsea  that I didn't have the usual toss before going to bed. Strangely, I wasn't in the mood. I was too consumed with how badly I had screwed things up.

I decided to take a drive in my Volvo. It was one of the things I really enjoyed, and it usually managed to relax me. I drove around aimlessly until it got quite late. I still wasn't tired though. Consciously or not, I eventually found myself driving past Chief house. I slowed but didn't stop. I mean, I didn't stop the first time. The second time, I parked the Volvo a short way from the house, next to the forest adjacent to Chelsea's home. Without thinking, I got out of my car and walked a short distance into the trees, where I could be sure I was well hidden from any prying eyes but I could still see the house.

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