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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Namjoon *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Drawings and designs danced across the surface of the skin of the tall ash blond male as he walked down the street, cigarette hanging from his lips. A black pressed dress shirt covered his fit frame, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. One of his hands was shoved in his pocket, and the other dangled numbly at his side. A suit jacket hung across one of his shoulders. Ripped black jeans hugged his legs. He wore two weapon holsters: One for his gun around his waist, and one wrapping around his right thigh, housing three different knives. His tired eyes scanned across the mass of grey faces as he walked, puffing out a cloud of smoke.

Smothering the burning end of the cancer stick against a brick wall, he threw it to the ground, turning into a building.

Nodding his head in acknowledgement to the worker at the front counter, he made his way to the back of the tattoo parlor, taking a seat at one of the few stations. Pulling out his large booklet, he flipped to a fresh page. Pulling out a pen, he began to draw. All the work this man did was in black, and various shades of grey. His work never disappointed though.

Sitting back in his seat, he let out a tired breath, glancing at the clock perched on a wall. He stood up from his seat and cleaned his working area before leaving the tattoo parlor.

He slipped his jacket on, making his way to the club.

Pulling out another cigarette from its packet, he lit it, and put the lighter and almost empty packet away.

Pushing open the club doors, he walked through the large crowd of people, the group automatically stepping out of the way for him to pass through, some stealing quick glances at him. Puffing out another cloud of smoke, he walked to the back. There waiting in his usual booth, his usual drink sat, ice still having a physical appearance in the glass of strong liquor.

Taking a seat in the curved booth, he picked up the glass cup, swishing the liquid around inside its fine confinement. Smoke left his parted lips, before taking the cigarette from his lips to only be replaced with the strong addictive substance. Returning the cigarette to his lips, he took another whiff, another puff of chemicals flowing into the air.

Sliding into the booth across from the ash blond, the expected male waved a server over to the booth. Glancing up at the male, he gave him a nod.

"Lee Jungki," Nodding his head back in acknowledgement, Jungki pushed his jet black hair back out of his face.

He adorned a black fitted t-shirt with a leather jacket on top. Black jeans hugged his fit legs as he stared at the taller with hazy eyes. Tattoo's covered part of his neck, around his collarbone, and all over his left forearm. Black and silver piercings dangled from earlobes and cartilage.

"Mr. Kim." Namjoon adjusted his posture before removing the cigarette from his lips to take another sip of his hard liquor. "Do you have what I asked for?" Namjoon scoffed quietly, looking away. With a nonchalant expression, he casually reached into his gun holster and pulled out a B&T AG VP9 pistol. He put it down in front of him. Jungki gulped.

Namjoon leaned closer to the other man, a deadly glint in his eyes. "Remember who you're talking to boy." The younger male nodded and muttered an apology.

Leaning back in his seat and returning the cigarette to his lips, he put the drink down on the table in front of them. He reached a hand into his suit jacket pocket. Pulling out a plastic bag, he placed it on top of the table.

"Where's the money?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow at the younger, keeping a secure hand on the bag. Jungki pulled out a roll of cash, placing it in front of the both of them.

"$4000" Namjoon reached over, grabbed the roll of cash, and removed the elastic that held it together. Counting the pieces of currency, he looked back up at the latter before letting him take the bag.

"Nice doing business with you again kid," he smirked at him as Jungki stood up, walking by the server, and grabbing his order before leaving his range of sight. Getting the waiter's attention, he paid off the younger's tab.

Standing with the intent of leaving after finishing his drink, Namjoon began to walk towards the front of the club.

Being stopped half way through the club by an unfamiliar face, Namjoon stared up at the muscular man with boredom.

"Hey pretty thing. Whatcha doin' in a place like this?" The people surrounding them gave the new guy looks of pity, knowing what would most likely happen next.

Namjoon put on the sweetest smile he could pull off, radiating mock innocence.

"Someone asked to meet up here, but I think I've been stood up" He pouted to add the cherry on top. The taller man smirked.

"What a coincidence. I was hoping to find someone to keep me company today. If you want, you can come over to my place" Namjoon was fighting back the strong urge to roll his eyes.

"That sounds like fun" The bigger male grabbed his wrist and lead him to the side door of the club, leading to an alleyway connected to some reserved parking at the back of the building.

Namjoon glanced around left and right, making sure the coast was clear. He stared at the stranger's back for a few more seconds before gripping his wrist and twisting it, making him yell in pain. Having his arm in an unnatural angle, Namjoon pushed him so his face and chest was against the club's wall. If the man struggled, Namjoon could easily break his arm.

"I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you don't know who I am" Namjoon growled, voice unbelievably deep. The man groaned under the pressure of his arm.

"And suppose you're what? Some high and mighty mafia lord or something? Give me a break" The muscular male muttered sarcastically. Namjoon actually let out a small snicker.

That's exactly what he was.

"You should be careful who and how you talk to people. You actually might run into someone you wish you didn't." Namjoon quickly let go of his arm, pulled out his gun and shot him in the back, not really caring if the silencer was on or not.

The man fell to his knees and spat out blood, before completely collapsing onto the hard concrete.

Inspecting his clothing and hands, Namjoon nodded in satisfaction that he had no blood splatter on him. He pulled out his phone and dialed his second in command.

"I have a present for you down by the club. You'll know what it is when you see it. I suggest you come quickly"

"On it boss"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

He unlocked the door to his apartment complex, closing the door behind him, not caring if it was loud or not. Shrugging the suit jacket off of his shoulders, he threw it onto one of his kitchen chairs as he walked by.

Pushing the door to his bathroom open, he looked at himself in the mirror that stretched across the wall. Sweeping his hair back, Namjoon turned on the sink, giving his face a quick wash. He walked to his bedroom, removed removed both his holsters, and let them drop to the floor. Stripping of the dress shirt and tight jeans he wore, he moved to change into a pair of loose sweats to sleep in.

Walking out into the living area, Namjoon threw himself onto the couch, reaching over the end to reach for a lighter and an open box of cigarettes. He lit one up, and like clockwork, put one end of the burning stick in between his lips. Releasing a cloud of chemicals into the air, Namjoon kicked his feet up onto the coffee table that sat a little ways from the couch. He focused his eyes to the window that made up the wall to his right. The level he lived on allowed him to have the equivalent to a v.i.p rooftop view of the city that stood still in the night. Nothing shining but the stars and stray lights from other apartment and business buildings. Namjoon sat in silence, the darkness of the apartment swallowing him.

The varieties of dull grey hues brought peace to his mind, almost making him forget the struggles and issues of the world.

Putting out the cigarette butt in the ashtray in front of him, Namjoon stood up, and walked to his bedroom. Collapsing against the sateen material of his sheets, he stared up at the ceiling, letting his brain drain his energy from him.

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