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  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Jimin *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Shutting his locker shut, he pushed his faded pink locks out of his face. He swung his grey classic Vaschy backpack over his shoulder, exiting the school. An oversized dark blue sweater was pulled down to cover his hands, a pair of black ripped jeans sat loosely on his hips, and white Adidas shoes covered his feet. The light pink haired boy walked to the bus station situated down the street of his school. A pair of wire rimmed glasses sat on his nose, a dark shade of pink contrasted greatly from the pale sunken in skin of his cheeks from the light breeze.

The leaves rattled among the tree branches, little white and pink flowers budding here and there among the variety of shrubs.

He hummed quietly to himself as he walked onto the public bus, showing the driver his bus pass before taking a seat by one of the many windows. Opening his backpack, he pulled out the novel he was instructed to read by his teacher. Flipping to the page he left off on, Jimin found himself getting lost in the world of literature.

Jimin was a pretty smart kid. He didn't party or go out, and wasn't a fan of smoking, drugs, and other things of that nature. The boy was polite to whoever he spoke to, and respected everybody's opinions. Jimin listened well to others and didn't talk back. His body was very much on the thinner and shorter side, having very little muscle. He was the boy every mother wanted their daughter to date, attitude wise.

The bus came to a stop at a bus stop in a relatively quiet neighborhood. Traditional houses and trees were the only thing in sight. Putting his book away, he stood up from his seat, smiled and bid goodbye to the bus driver.

Opening the door to his home, he gently placed his bag down by his room. Walking over to another door, he slowly slid it open, peeking his head inside the room.

"Grandpa?" The addressed man rolled over slowly, a quiet grunt following. Rushing over to his aid, Jimin helped sit his grandfather up.

"Where's grandma?" The old man let out a tired breath, holding onto Jimin's arm for support.

"She went down to the market with your cousin and siblings. They should be home soon."

"We're back!" Quick footsteps and the rustling of bags were heard. Jimin helped his grandfather to stand, and walked him out into the kitchen.

"Welcome home grandma," The said woman turned her head, and smiled wide at the two.

"How was school today Jimin?" She began to wash some vegetables. Guiding his grandfather over to the dinner table, he sat him down. Getting a cutting board and a knife, Jimin cut the vegetables that had already been washed.

"It was normal. No one spoke to me, and I didn't speak to anyone."

"Jimin-oppa!" Two pairs of arms wrapped themselves around Jimin's legs, giggles leaving the young girls' mouths.

"Hey you two, did you behave for grandma and Hyunmin-hyung?" The 5 year olds grinned up at the elder, nodding their little heads, their thick dark braided hair bouncing along.

"Lying isn't good Jiae-ah, Jiyeon-ah." Turning towards the entrance of the kitchen, they pouted at the male that had just entered. Jimin turned his head to look at the elder, a small smile on his face. Trailing his eyes downwards, he beamed at the third and last triplet who sat in a wheelchair. The little boy beamed back. Unlike his sisters, he was born with strawberry pink hair, similar as to how Jimin was born with pale pink hair.

"How are you today Jonghoon-ah?" The triplet gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up, not saying anything.

Jiyeon and Jiae detached themselves from Jimin's legs, and scurried out of the kitchen, giggling on the way out, their dark brown hair bouncing with their steps.

"Hi Hyunmin-hyung" Patting the shorter gently on the head, the tall built male smiled a wide smile.

"Hey Jiminie. How was school today?" Shrugging his shoulders in reply, Jimin continued to cut the vegetables.

"Pretty good. No homework today, so I'm probably going to go on a walk later; get some air."

"Be careful, don't be out too long." Hyunmin kissed his grandmother on the cheek and hugged his grandpa. "I'm going to work now, I'll be home around 12."

"Don't overwork yourself Hyunmin-ah, now go before you're late." Pivoting, Hyunmin walked and crouched in front of Jonghoon.

"But let's get you to your room first. Can you say 'room' for me?" Jonghoon shook his head no. Hyunmin have him a sympathetic smile before wheeling Jonghoon off to the triplets' shared bedroom.

"I'm leaving now."

Continuing to help his grandmother in the kitchen, Jimin later set the table for the 5 of them. Cutting up Jiyeon, Jiae and Jonghoon's food, he made sure they were happy and satisfied before beginning to eat.

"I'll take Jonghoon to his physiotherapy at the hospital. We'll hopefully be back before Hyunmin-hyung comes home. I love you both." Giving his grandma and grandpa a kiss and hug, he walked into his room.

Grabbing his already prepared bag, Jimin wheeled Jonghoon to the front, put on Jonghoon and his own shoes, picked the boy up from his wheelchair onto his hip and left the house.

He got on his desired bus, taking it downtown to the general hospital.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

He went through administration and got his and Jonghoon's wristband before being escorted to a private room. There sitting on the end of the hospital bed was a gown for Jimin to change into. Resting Jonghoon on the bed, Jimin quickly changed his clothes, folding them and placing them neatly into his bag.

"Let's go Jonghoon-ah," Carrying Jonghoon out, Jimin walked to the room where Jonghoon had his physiotherapy. The physiotherapist was already in the room, setting equipment up.

"Hi Jimin-si, Jonghoon-ah. How are you feeling today?" Jonghoon smiled shyly in reply, giving the therapist a small thumbs up from Jimin's hip.

"Alrighty, Jimin-si, you can just rest Jonghoon over here and we'll get started. Feel free to leave whenever you want, we'll be a little over 2 hours today."

"That's fine, thank you. I'll just go to my appointment first then get some snacks from down the street. I'll be back as soon as I can." Jimin smiled and waved at his little brother before taking his leave.

Returning to the ward he was previously in, Jimin waited patiently in the quiet room, the strong smell of medicines and cleaning materials finally making it to Jimin's senses. He winced at the powerful odor. Jimin reached into his bag and pulled out the novel he had been reading earlier that day.

Jimin waited for about 10 minutes, considering he came in earlier than he had thought. A quiet knock brought Jimin back into the world, the door slowly opening and closing as a familiar man dressed in a black turtleneck and white coat walked in with a clipboard.

"Hello Jimin, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm feeling a lot better. I took a day off from school the day after my last appointment and just slept. No new bruises or symptoms, and I didn't get sick any time during this week." Writing things down on his clipboard, the doctor gave him a kind grin.

"That's great to hear. You sure do look a lot better this week; a little more colour in your face, which is good. Since we seem to have no major problems, we'll go get you in as fast as possible so you can get yourself home." Standing up from the hospital bed, Jimin bowed and thanked the doctor, following him out into the hospital corridors and into the chemotherapy area of the hospital.

"A nurse will come and bring you in as soon as possible. I'll join you in a few minutes; I just need to put these into my computer." Jimin nodded his head, watching his doctor's fleeting form as he walked away.

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