Exotic Meat - Chapter five

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// Heyo! Sorry for not posting last week, a lot was going on.

Anyway, enjoy this supreme gay! I'll probably update on Thursday, too, to make it up to the two people that read these.

Anyway, stay tuned! \\


I laid down on the boat's wooden planks as Matt leaned over the side, tipping it slightly, and spoke of curious things he had come into contact with. This consisted of wildly colored fish, annoyingly aggressive sharks, and pretty coral. He went on about his absolute adoration of the ocean as I silently soaked it all in. I'd never been fond of water in general, but the way he spoke about it made it seem like a paradise. This blissful state of listening, and floating on the calm waters, was abruptly interrupted by a few words of his.

"I would love for you to see it all," He said, eyeing me up and down, as always. I met his eyes, and found I couldn't read them, which was a constant annoyance that bugged me. He was smiling, though, showing all his sharp, deadly, teeth.

I sat up with a grunt, and stretched out into the salty ocean air. I spoke, "Wouldn't I drown?"

"What?" He hadn't expected that, I suppose.

"I can't hold my breath forever," I inquired, "and I'd prefer not to suffocate."

He scoffed, that grin returning to brighten his face, "Then you'd just come up for air every once in a while, I'm sure you can swim, Sailor"

He always said "Sailor" with a twinge of flirtatiousness in his voice, as though he was trying to seduce me with a nickname.

"But then you'd kill me, right?" I looked him dead in the eye as I said it, and could almost see the fault in his demeanor flash across his face.

"No, no," His tone was soothing, smooth, "What'd make you think that?"

He reached out to touch my arm, but I subtly pulled away before he could. His brows furrowed, and his countenance displayed worry, but the intensity of the expression drew me away. It almost seemed false.

"Well, I mean, you're a siren," I stated plainly. I store him down, trying to read him in any way, but his expressiveness always threw me off. I tried to look closer into his eyes, and thought I saw something that resembled confusion.

He hummed, and spoke, "Then why are you still here?"

The question hung in the air. Honestly, why was I still there? Sitting next to a lethal predator under the pale, glistening, stars? I had no goal. No rhyme or reason. I figured that was my purpose, then. To not have one.

"I guess," I paused, "I guess I just don't care."

The silence that came after was long, and, in some sense, peaceful. I averted my eyes to the sky, and counted constellations. Matt began to stir.



"Why would you risk it all? Isn't your life's value above anything else?" He demanded.

I shifted a little, caught off guard, "You can value other people more than your own life."

For once, I could read him. His confusion had blossomed to his eyes, and now shined clearly on his face. His thoughts practically radiated out into the crisp air. I leaned back onto the plank, yawning as I did so. Matt stayed silent for a bit.

"You're interesting, Sailor," He said at last. "I think I like that."



I did not like that. At all. Whatsoever. It made my gut feel gooey, like fresh molasses, and heat run to my cheeks. This feeling perplexed me, it was brand new, and ran circles around my head. 

Humans were determined little endurance monsters that would struggle and fight in any way to keep themselves alive, but the way the Sailor totally disregarded his life was simply against nature. He even knew I was a siren, but he still came. He was impossible. Abnormal. Intriguing. And painfully so.

I settled my resolve on keeping him alive, but only to study him, of course. Nothing else. He was future lunch meat that just so happened to make a good lab rat.

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