You Mean Everything - Chapter seven

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// me coughing up blood, my fingers cramping like no tomorrow, and surviving only on caffeine: lol here's the next part enjoy baby

come on eileen ! 

oh i swear (what he means)

at this moment,

^^^^ \\


I sat at the edge of the boardwalk, pulling my jacket closer to my body in an attempt to keep out the cold. My legs dangled down over the frothy sea, and moved slightly with the breeze.

 Edd was late by a minute or two. I didn't really mind, it was colder out on the ocean anyway, but I couldn't manage to keep my anxiety at bay. As water lapped up against the wooden supports, my mind wandered from possible inconveniences, to troubling thoughts, to doubts. I jumped a little when I heard footsteps approaching from behind me.

Edd wore a lime green windbreaker that was awfully painful to look at, even in the dark. His countenance was a seemingly unchangeable look of grit, and his brown wisps of hair danced in tune with the wind. I realized I was staring.

"Hey," I said dumbly, "What's up with the jacket?"

"What's up with your boyfriend only appearing once in a blue moon?" He snapped.

"Well, first of all, he's not my boyfriend," I chuckled wearily, "And second of all, he's busy. Only comes 'round at night."

Edd sighed as audibly as he could, then reached out his hand, offering it to me, "Get up. I just wanna meet him and go home."

I took it, and he pulled me to my feet. His hands were warm, in contrast to my freezing ones, and felt soft in my sandpaper palms. He let go once I was standing, and a heavy silence hung in the air between us. His face was inches from mine.

In an attempt to break the silence, I said the first thing that came to mind. The first awful thing.

"No homo, bro," Came flying out of my lips, too fast for me to stop, too stupid to ever be excused.

Edd stared at me for a long moment.

"No... Homo... Bro?" He repeated, drawing out the words with long pauses. My face went red.

"I'm so sorry- It was the first thing I thought of! You were just .. So close and-"

Edd busted out laughing, sounding a chorus of his unsurpassable joy, and my achingly terrible misery. He repeated the cursed sentence over and over between giggles, holding onto me for balance, and burying his face in my shirt. All the while, I was horribly embarrassed, and had no idea what to do with my hands.

"But- but aren't you gay?" He managed to say through wheezes.

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