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[Running Low]
Chapter six;

"Jayde, wake your tiny ass up! I got coffee!" I hear Cam shout.
"First of all," I groggily begin as I hold one finger up while my face is still against my pillow, "I don't have a tiny ass and second," I shift my position, "gimme!" I say like a child wanting a toy. Cam shakes her head laughing as I take multiple sips of coffee.
"Ooo this is good. What is it?" I ask turning my head at her.
"Caramel Ice Coffee," she replies.

Good morning:)

First off all, hi
Second of all, shh I'm drinking coffee

Oh sorry I didn't realize I was speaking smh

I thought you said "good" morning not "sarcastic" morning😂

Okay okay. You caught me

What are your plans for the day?

"Ooo, Jayde is whipped!" Cam mocks me from a comment I made days ago.
"Am not! It's just Moon," I say mocking her answer from then.
"Mhm. Fucking Moon, why Moon? Why couldn't he just say his name man?" She begins to mumble. I shrug my shoulders and turn my attention back to my phone.

Not much. I have one class today

Wait so how old are you?

19 and you?

18 haha. Are you from Boston?

Yep! And only one class?! Lucky ass

I did my three others yesterday haha

What is your only class today?

History lol. I actually enjoy it

Honestly same, other than my music class

Oh you take music? I can't do anything musical for shit😂

Put your mind to it

Nah I'm better off not scaring people way by my singing

Haha. I'll chat with you later gotta go to first class:)

Alright. And stop with the god damn smiley faces. Be a real human and use emojis😂

:) :) :) :)


"Hey boo, whatcha wearing today?" I ask while placing my phone and coffee onto my side table.
"I have no clue. It's suppose to be like 40° today. Probably a freaking sweater and leggings day for me," she says as she looks through her wardrobe.
"Mhm. I think I'll go with sweater well and jeans," I say as I get up and walk over to my wardrobe. I take the clothing out and we both turn around showing each other.
"Jinx!" I say and she rolls her eyes as we both laugh.


"I'll see you later Cam," I say as I head out the door, "wanna go out to dinner tonight?" I ask walking back in.
"Sure. Why not," she replies and I leave my dorm once again heading to history.

I place my bag onto the ground as I sit my butt onto the chair I sit in pretty much everyday. I grab my pencil and notebook and place them onto the pull out desk to the side of me. I grab my phone and hear a ding come from it.

Hello again:)

The freaking smiley face staphh

Nah it's funny. Where ya at?

History class. Hbu?

I type my response and soon feel a movement next to me.
"Ah, is this going to be a daily thing?" I ask as I turn to the curly brunette sitting next to me.
"I don't know. It might be!" He responds. I shake my head and while I look down at my phone I see a response.

History aswell:)

By any chance. When will I ever get your name?

When you figure out how I got your number😂

well that's no fun! I'm not good at solving problems.

Thats the attitude!

Ahh. I'll text you later. Class is a starting!


Don't do that again


I shake my head at his response and laugh a bit. I place my phone down and begin paying attention to the lecture. I feel a tap against my shoulder.
"Hey do you have a pen?" Shawn asks.
"Yeah here," I say as I lean down and grab an extra pen from my bag. I hand it over and I get a quick 'thanks'.

Odd way of ending things but I hope y'all are liking this book!

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Xoxo Brianna

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