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[Running Low]
Chapter eight; 1 week later

Walking into history was odd. There was a weird feeling, something was off. I go and grab my seat that I sit in everyday and the realization pops in my brain.
'Shawn isn't here' lately we have been hanging more often, as well as meeting up before history class. Not having someone to chat with during the boring lecture is really boring and since Shawn was the one I did it with, made my mood turn sad. And not only was this saddening, but just yesterday my brother had to go back to college.


"I don't want you to go yet," I say through the many tears as he packs his car up with his luggage.
"Hey, hey. What do I always tell you in this very same situation?" He asks me.
"To not cry because we will see each other soon," I reply as he wipes away my tears.
"Yes and what do I do when I tell you that?"
"We see each other sometimes after," I reply and he smiles slightly as he brings me into his arms.
"I'm going to miss you Jayde. We'll FaceTime and text, don't worry," he assures me.
"I'll miss you more," I sniff and he kisses my cheek as he climbs into his car.
"Bye, love you," He says rolling his window down.
"Love you more," I say back wiping another tear that falls. I see him roll it back up and drive away.

With that, I walk back up to my dorm and Cam sees me, coming towards me with her arms open.
"You'll see him soon. Don't worry."

[Present Day]

These two events together cause my emotions to go on a roller coaster. I sit with my head propped on my hand as I try to listen to the very boring lecture put on before me.


"Cam I'm back!" I tell her as I walk into our dorm.
"Took you long enough, and I thought you were hanging out with Shawn today?" She asks me while drying her hair.
"He wasn't there today," I say with a hint of sadness.
"Hey, you'll deal. Wanna be my model for fitting today?" She asks as she begins to get ready for her class.
"Sure," I say with a slight smile. I place my things down and pull my phone out as I lay down on my bed.


Heyy. What's up?

Not much. Just going to be my friends model today. U?

Just hanging around.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Why you ask?

You just seem off today

How can you tell?

Normally your all sarcastic and all..

Ig. One of my friends wasn't here and he didn't say why

Well that's rude. Cheer up babygirl


I'll text you later. Gotta go


"You ready to go?" Cam asks.
"Yeah," I reply while stuffing my phone in my back pocket and grabbing my purse. We walk to the elevator and stand in the silver box til we hear a ding.
"Girl you've known him for how long?" Cam speaks up.
"Two, three weeks," I reply.
"How have you gotten so attached to him that he makes you sad when he isn't here?"
"I wish I knew that one."
"Cheer up," she says nudging me.
"Fine," I say with a smile.
"That's my girl."

We walk into her fashion class and she tells me to change into a strapless bra and Nike pros. I come out of the dressing room and was told to stand on the pedestal so she can take measurements and such.
"What's this weeks assignment?" I ask her as she measures my waist.
"Ball gown," she says while writing down my measurements.
"I'm excited!"



"Hey, we gotta head to the back. They are ready for us."


Oooooo wonder who that is. Any guesses? ;)

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Xoxo Brianna

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