Chapter 3

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We all been chilling in the safe house getting to know each other for about 3 hours now so it's about 9 hours left for the shitty purge. Dinah's purge name is K.O cause she got a mean right hook, she knocked Tyler out within 9 seconds. Normani's purge name is hypnotist cause all that ass put you in a hypnotic trance. Ally's purge name is deceiver cause her looks are deceiving. Lauren's purge name is Tempation because her eyes and body make you tempted to do some strange and nasty things. Normani and Lauren are our deadly distractions while Ally and Dinah are just deadly.

"We got company" Seven said grabbing her Snipper and heading up to the roof.

"You gone let your girl go out like that" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, she can handle herself. We don't just call her Shootah cause she got my back" I said chuckling.

"Babe, we got A LOT....of company" Seven said through the speaker we got connected to the roof.

"Shit, can you see their leader" I asked.

"No fucking's........" She started by never finished.

"Shootah....Shootah....SHOOTAH" i said repeatedly the last one. I grabbed every weapon I could possibly find that I put up and ran up to were Seven was. She had been shot in the shoulder and was losing blood fast. I tried my hardest to keep myself together for the sake of my girlfriend and I took off my shirt and applied pressure to stop the bleeding. I called for back up and everybody came up to the roof and started taking people out with their snippers so I could help Seven. I grabbed the first aid kit and gave her a shot to numb the area. I grabbed my pocket knife and cut a slit where the bullet hole was for easier access. I put alcohol on the area and use tweezers to remove the bullet. After I removed it I stitched her up and put a bandage over the spot. "Somebody give me some cold water" I said. Omerettà handed me a cold bottle out the cooler and I opened it dumping the whole bottle on Seven.

"Fuck you doing, you gone fuck up my make up" Seven yelled making me smile and tears finally rolled down my cheeks.

"I thought I lost you" I cried pulling her into a hug and kissing all over her face.

"You know I'm not going nowhere baby, and if I do imma always watch over you" she said kissing me and grabbing her gun.

"Oh fuck no, you hurt so sit the fuck down" I said taking her snipper.

"I'm Shoota, I run this part of the fucking missions.....hop off my tip daddy" she whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek and returning to her post.

"Babe, Who the fuck is the leader" I asked Seven.

"Nigga tell me why it's...."


Mama POV

"C take this and This and get the hell up out of here I can hear their footsteps and I can't protect you from that many people" Russell said handing me a gun and car keys.

"I'm not finna fucking leave you, suck it up and deal wit it bitch ass nigga" I said rolling my eyes and loading my gun.

"I wasn't fucking asking I was telling. Do as I fucking say and go now" he roared.

"Fine, you better bring yo bitch ass to Y/n's. I swear to god Russell if you don't make it out alive I'll never fucking forgive you. I'll bring you back from the dead just to kill you my damn self with my fucking bare ass hands" I said with a serious ass face. He nodded his head and kissed me before sending me off towards the back door. I slid through the back undetected and got in the black SUV. I sped out the drive way and off our property before they could even realize what was happening. "Stupid ass Future and his stupid ass fans...just leave me be it's been 10 fucking years" I mumbled to myself driving to Y/n's. I pray he makes it out alive, I couldn't even tell him I was 3 months pregnant. It was suppose to be a surprise for everybody after the purge but at this rate ain't no telling who gone make it and who the fuck not. I hope my babies are alright, I just want my family to be fine.

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