Chapter 03 | Princess?

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I awkwardly took my seat next to the blonde haired boy, putting my backpack on the floor next to me. I felt my face heat up with embarrassment as I felt the class's stares on my back. I had hoped that the only person in here that knew me was Chloé... if anyone else knew me from that day, I might as well just pack up and leave now.

        "If everyone would please take out their textbooks, which are located in the small drawer under your desk, please turn to page 14 for lesson one." Ms. Bustier said, her cheerful voice cutting through the silence like ice. There was another moment of silence, and then the room was filled with sounds of people opening up their backpacks, papers rustling as they took out there notebooks.

        I reached into my backpack, pulling out a red composition notebook along with a mechanical pencil, before placing it on the desk. I then looked underneath the desk to try and find the 'drawer', but mine was empty. Disappointed, I looked around the room as people began to easily pull out their textbooks. I raised my hand, hoping that she would have an extra book.

        "Yes Vi?" Ms. Bustier asked looking up, a smile on her face.

        "I don't have a book" I said trying to bite back my disappointment. It wasn't the first time I had been forgotten by those around me, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the last.

        "Ahh, yes the school board did tell me we would be short a few books. Why don't you share with your partner? Adrien, you wouldn't mind would you?" Ms. Bustier said looking to the blonde boy next to me. I looked to my right, my eyes meeting his light green ones. He stared back at me, a rosy tint coming to his cheeks and ears. His blonde hair was brushed back and done neatly. To say the least, he was stunning... but I wasn't really looking to date right now.

        I looked away quickly, feeling my cheeks heat up. I looked back at my teacher, her gaze shifting from me to this stunning Adrien kid. I felt my blush deepen, and I sneaked a glance at Adrien, whose face was now a deep scarlet.

        "Adrien?" Ms. Bustier asked.

        "Y-yeah sure, I'd- um- it wouldn't be a p-problem." He stammered, his face getting redder with every word. I heard a couple kids snicker, someone growl behind me, and I felt my lips turn up into a smile. It was kind of amusing, Adrien's behavior. Ms. Bustier chuckled, looking down at her clipboard of assignments.

        "Alright, Mylene would you start reading the first paragraph on page 14?" She said walking back to her desk. I heard something slide across the wood desk, and I looked down, the textbook now in the middle of the table. I looked at Adrien whose eyes were on the page open, the blush on his face almost gone. As the girl named Mylene, a girl with golden brown eyes, her blonde hair in dreadlocks, a few strands dyed green, blue, and magenta, all pulled back in a pink bandanna.

        As I read line for line on page 14, I felt someone's eyes burning holes in my head. I looked up, looking around the room for who would be staring at me. My eyes landed on Chloé, her face slightly tinged red. I followed her gaze, her eyes landing on Adrien... was she seriously jealous that I was sitting next to this guy? I looked back at Chloé, noticing her hand was gripping her pencil with so much strength I thought it would just snap right there.

        She met my gaze, picking up a yellow sticky note on her desk, passing it to the kid sitting behind her, which happened to be Mylene. She looked at the sticky note as the next person began to read, before handing it to the kid to her left. The girl that the note was passed to had hazel eyes, dark reddish-brown wavy hair that went to her shoulders. The girl had black rimmed glasses, and a knowing look. She took the note without hesitation and immediately opened it, trying to read it.

        I watched her eyebrows scrunch together in confusion, before rolling her eyes, passing it to me. I looked up, checking to make sure Ms. Bustier wasn't looking, before taking the note. I opened up the crumbled piece of yellow paper, rolling my eyes when I read what Chloé's messy, but fancy handwriting said. After the six years growing up with her, I learned how to read the way she writes... Ever since she broke her arm in second grade, she's never written the same. This way is the only way she can write neatly, by trying to make it fancy to cover up the imperfections.

        That's Chloé for you. Always trying to hide in plain sight, never really showing the real her. There were so many things about Chloé that she hid from the world, for example her love for horror movies. Even though she was a complete girly girl on the outside, she loved watching horror movies. I had introduced her to horror when we were little, when her dad was in a meeting, her mom drinking.......

        I shook my head, refusing to let the memories come back. I had shut that part of me down a long time ago, I wasn't about to just let it waltz right in. I rubbed my eyes, trying to block out any of the dark thoughts that now swarmed my head as I began to read the note.

        We need to talk after school... meet me outside by the fountain. Come alone.

        She signed her name at the end neater than the rest of the message, that way people knew that it was her note. I crumbled up the piece of paper, angrily holding it in my fist. I didn't even need to meet up with Chloé. I knew she was going to scream at me, ask me about why I'm here and what I did in New York... I didn't want to talk to her unless I had too. I just wonder if she's giving me the option of going or not going.

        I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I looked over at Adrien, who was staring at me wide eyed, his gaze shifting from me to the book. I looked up at Ms. Bustier, who was also staring at me.


        "I asked if you could read the next passage." Ms. Bustier said looking slightly annoyed already. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I looked down at the page. I began to read the next page aloud, my mind elsewhere. 

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