Chapter 04 | Chat Noir

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I tucked back a strand of hair that was bothering me as I walked down the street home. I checked over my shoulder, getting the strangest feeling that I was being watched. As I looked behind me, I didn't find anything out of the ordinary. I shrugged, turning back around and continuing walking. I was just being paranoid... right? Still, the hairs on the back of my neck continued to stand on end as I walked down the street.

        I looked up at the sky, the sun starting to set after a long first day of school. The sky was painted a dark blue, the clouds mixed between pink and purple, all blending together it looked like a masterpiece. I sighed, feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders as I came to the intersection in the road. I would be lying if I said I wasn't exhausted. I had run up and down multiple floors trying to find my classrooms, thank goodness Adrien was there to help me.

        Adrien. My thoughts shifted to Adrien as I leaned on the stop light. I pressed the walk button and waited for the light to change.

        Adrien was so nice, it was kind of weird. A popular like him doesn't technically hangout with a loser like me, yet he invited me to his lunch table as I stood looking around where to sit. I chuckled, rubbing my eyes as I thought about what had happened. 

        Now that I think about it, I'm surprised he didn't laugh at me like everyone else was... including that Marinette girl. She and that other girl, Alya I think her name was, were always whispering whenever I walked by them, always sending me glares. She looked like nice girl, plus her mother was nice as I recall... so did she have to talk about me behind my back?

​​​​​​        I had walked into the cafeteria, my favorite time of the day had turned into my most dreaded time of the day. Back at New York, I would immediately go sit with my friends at our spot, but here, I was an outsider... except for the Chloé knowing me. 

        I had looked around the cafeteria full of people all sitting with their friends, everyone either talking, laughing, or eating. I had gotten in the lunch line, paying for my food, before standing in the center of the room looking like an idiot.

        I had searched everywhere looking for anyone, even Chloé... but I couldn't seem to find the blonde. Sighing, I had turned around to head outside and just eat alone, but then I had heard my name being called. I had turned around to see Adrien sitting with Chloé and some red head girl with glasses. 

        They were all sitting alone at one table, everyone else sitting in the tables around them. Adrien had called me over, asking if I wanted to sit with him and Chloé. I remember how my face had heated up as I took a seat across from him, and I remember how Chloé stared at me, her piercing gaze making me lose most of my appetite. 

        I laughed as I thought of how ridicules I must have looked just standing there in front of all those people, looking like an idiot. A car honking snapped me from my trance and I looked up. The cars were all waiting for me to cross the road. I looked at the crossing sign, the numbers slowly counting down. I quickly walked across the road, making it to the other time right as the light changed.

        I had a lot of homework surprisingly, and on the first day too? Did my teachers think I was some kind of miracle worker? I laughed to myself as I rounded the corner, the sun almost completely hidden in the clouds now. The smile didn't last long as I remembered Chloé and my conversation after school. I put my cold hands into my pockets as the street lights began to turn on, covering the pavement in a soft yellow glow.

        I had found the fountain, coming alone per-requested...... 

        "There you are!" Chloé screamed as I walked around the brick building. I jumped, meeting her gaze. She was fuming as she glared at me.

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