Chapter 07 | Halloween

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"Are you serious? It's almost ten and you want me to convince my mom to let me come over now?!" I practically yelled into the phone. I heard Juleka chuckle over the phone, followed with the sound of people laughing and talking. I bit my lip nervously, spinning around on my chair by my desk. My laptop was open, the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy on pause. I was dressed in my pajamas, face washed and all ready for bed. It was nearly Halloween, in fact it was a couple hours away.

"Yes I'm serious. I totally forgot to call you when the party started, which was about an hour ago so chill. We were all about to sit down and watch a scary movie, you know since its Halloween?" She answered, a tint of amusement in her voice.

"Yeah?" I replied, chewing on my lip. I stared at my computer screen, wanting desperately to finish the episode and then hurry up and start another one. I was trying to finish the season before my mother would get home and take away my computer for staying up late.

"So anyway, I saw Marinette trying to snuggle up next to Adrien on the couch and I thought of how pissed you would be if you were here that she was—"

"Juleka how many times do I have to tell you that I don't like Adrien?!" I interrupted, a faint blush spreading over my cheeks.

"And how many times do I have to tell you that I don't care if you like him or not, you guys are meant to be! Plus, this is my otp and I will make this ship sail." Juleka answered confidently. I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever, continue."

"So anyway, like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted—"

"Seriously?! Come on..." I laughed, staring out my window. I heard her laugh over the phone for a moment before she continued.

"Anyway, I saw Marinette making heart eyes at Adrien and I thought of how pissed you would be if you found out that she was making her move on Adrien and you weren't here! So then I thought to myself; self, what should I do?" She paused before answering herself.

"Well, I could go over there and tell Marinette to move off your man—"

"He's not my man." I interrupted again, my blush deepening.

"But then I thought of how weird that would look considering the facts. So then I thought what if I just called you and told you to get your ass down here!" She finished, sounding proud of herself for coming up with the idea. I sighed, laughing quietly.

Last week at school Rose had passed out invitations to her Halloween party. I had expected her to not give me one, but much to my surprise I found myself being handed one. The spontaneous part of me wanted to go, while the introverted part of me said no. So I came to a happy medium; deciding that if I "forgot" before ten o'clock on said night, then I wouldn't go. But then Juleka called....

"So, get your ass down here. The movie starts in fifteen minutes." Juleka beamed, snapping me out of my daze.

"I don't know Juleka, it's late and I don't know if my mom will let me—"

"Oh hush, I'm sure she's still at work in the middle of surgery or whatever. Just text her, tell Lily to go to sleep, and get your—"

"Yes I know, 'get my ass down to the party.'" I finished, a faint smile dancing across my lips.

"Perfect. It's settled then. I'll see you in fourteen minutes! Also, you have to wear a costume." She said.

Spark | A Chat Noir Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz