Chapter 1

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...."So, tell me how it all happened Ms. Hargreaves. From the beginning."

She sighed softly and sat back, letting her back rest against the cool leather seat. "Well, as you know, I'm Matt's sister. I was in a rough spot and decided to move out of where I was living and stay with the guys. I called Edd up as soon as my Dad was nowhere near me, and a few days later, I was out of there."

~Flashback my dudes~

It was a cool, crisp and gloomy day. The clouds seemed to be frowning at everyone as the grey overtook the sky. Y/n sat in the uber as it drove her to her new home. She thought about finally getting a good night's rest as the driver pulled up to the house. She looked to the driver and gave a small smile as she paid him. "Thanks." She said softly as she grabbed her f/c bags and got out. "Take care miss!" The driver said as he drove off. "You too!" She replied, waving to him. After he was out of sight, she looked to the house, letting out a soft sigh of relief as she walked up.

She raised her hand to the door to knock, but the chance was taken as the one and only Edd quickly opened the door. "Ah, Y/n, your finally here!!" He shouts happily. She chuckled softly as he embraced her into a bear hug. "Matt!! Y/n's here!!" He shouts, soon after letting her go. Edd looked back to Y/n and smiled brightly. "Oh! Please, come in!" He said, grabbing her bags, quickly scooting out of the way for her to enter. She walked in and took her coat off as Matt walked down the stairs in his usual purple hoodie and sweatpants.

"Ah! Y/n! Welcome back Sis!" Matt chirped, hugging her to his chest as she attempted to put her jacket down. She hugged him back awkwardly and smiled. "Good to be back." She replied as he let her go. She yawned softly, moving her hair out of her face. "So, where exactly is my room? The plane ride, plus the taxi made me so tired." She told them, chuckling softly. A plane ride from America to here was quite far and she hadn't slept at all.

"That would be beside the Commie's room dear friend." A scruffy voice replied. She glaced behind Matt to see Tom at the doorway of the Kitchen. His hair was still the same, but somewhat droopy now. "Tom!" She squeaked, running up to him and quickly hugging him tightly. He chuckled at her and hugged back with one arm. "Wow. It's good to see you too Y/n." He said softly and smiled. Edd and Matt were already relaxing on the couch watching TV. She let go of Tom and smiled, a faint blush on her cheeks. "So, can you take me to my room then? I wanna get some sleep now." She said, another yawn escaping her lips. "Of course." He said, grabbing her bags. "Right this way." He walked up the stairs, Y/n following behind quickly.

They walked down the darkly lit hallway, past Edd's green door, plastered with superheros and cola's, as well as passing Tom's checkered patterned door and Matt's mirrored door to the attic, and Tord's plain brown door with knife marks in it, and finally stopping at a door with Y/n's name on it, with the door painted her favorite color(s). Tom opened the door and flicked on the light as she stepped in, the soft carpet surrounding her feet as she looked around. The room was better then she could imagine. (You can imagine what it looks like uwu) The only thing that left her lips, was a soft, "Wow..." As she walked around. Tom stood by the doorway and watched her, like she was a doe. "Yeah, when Edd told us you were coming to live with us, we decided to clean it up for you a bit. I'm glad you like it." He said softly. "I love it so much." She replied, looking back at him. He stared for a bit to long and quickly looked away. "Well, I should leave you too it. I bet you've got a lot you wanna do." He said, starting to walk away. "Goodnight Tom!" She called to him. "Goodnight Y/n." He replied, shutting her door.

Y/n got her stuff put away and changed into her pajamas after a nice shower. She looked at her amazing bed and thought of how good it would feel to get a good rest finally. She switched off the light and jumped into bed, quickly relaxing into the soft mattress, and shortly falling asleep.

Aye, it's better then before! I can't believe I actually finished it XD well, I'll get to work on the next chapter shortly. Plez give this some love ppls. I'm running on Monster and noodles rn XD if anyone just wants to talk, my insta is in my bio. See ya!!

~Jay Cherri🍒~

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