Chapter 3

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Y/n was woke up from a sudden noise in her room. She opened her eyes in the darkness and listened but didn't move. She wondered what time it was. It was still pitch black out. Then, she heard it. Her door creaked again, then stopped. After a few seconds, creaking, then stopped. Her heart started to beat faster. 'Who's in my room!?' She thought to herself. Don't panic. Stay calm and listen. She controlled her breathing so whomever it was would assume she was sleeping. The door creaked more, then soft footsteps could be heard. 'I'm gonna die. This is it. I hope my dog gets my stuff.' She thought while listening to the steps get closer. Maybe they'd take something and leave her alone. Or maybe worse. Oh god. Finally, she heard the steps stop at her bed right beside her. Maybe she could grab her knife in time and startle them to flee. Her face that was under her pillow slightly moved before feeling the cold metal touch her fingertips. Found it. She slowly gripped its handle and waited. The person did not move. It stood over her bed like a hawk, watching it's prey. She slowed her breathing and tried not to panic, but it was hard. Maybe they'd go away? She knew she couldn't attack. She'd probably be to slow. Her only hope was to wait and see. The knife would have to be her last option. She listened to the strangers shallow and raspy breathing, then finally, their was movement. But the wrong kind. Y/n felt their breath on her neck. It sent chills down her spine and gave her goosebumps. It was so warm. Then, they spoke. "I know your awake Princess..." They said. It was a he. He stayed as close as he could to her, maybe expecting her to scream or something. But she laid still. After what felt like an eternity, he moved away and slowly walked back to the door. She listened as the door creaked closed, then, click. It was shut. She sat up quickly and turned her light on. Nothing had changed. Nothing was moved or touched. Her room was the same. She clutched her knife and held it close as she slept with her light on for the rest of the night, but not before locking her door. As she walked to her door, she realized. It was locked. How did he get in? She shook of the thought and barely fell back asleep that night. In the morning, she woke up and decided to go to the store later to buy a new lock for her door. Y/n walked to the kitchen and was greeted with 3 men. Edd was cooking pancakes like usual, Matt was getting some milk for cereal and Tom was resting back in his chair waiting to get food. "Morning Y/n!" Edd cooed as he started to served up breakfast. He gave them all some, then put Tord's food in the fridge. She looked up a him. "He's not joining us?" She asked, starting to eat. "Oh, no he had to go to work late last night so he won't be back for a bit." Matt said. Tom scoffed slightly and ate his food. "So, I have to go to the store today, who'd like to go?" Y/n asked the boys. None piped in until Tom. "Sure, I'll go. Gotta get some stuff as well." He almost mumbled. "Awesome! We can shop together!" She cheered. A slight heat came to Tom's cheeks as he chuckled a bit. "Yeah, sure." He said. They'd all finished their food and Y/n began to clean the dished before going to the store. It was way to early anyway and she wanted to clean a bit more as well. She hummed softly as she rinsed plates and forks, then finished cleaning them in about 30 minutes. She'd always loved cleaning. It was a small escape for her. She could sweep and dance, Wash Dishes and hum to herself, anything. And it was better now that she was grown up. She didn't have to be perfect about it. Once she had finished her cleaning, she trotted upstairs to her room to get dressed. "Tom! We're leaving in 15 minutes!" She called. "Ok!" He replied. She shut her door and sighed softly. After locking it twice, she put on her favorite outfit and fixed her hair before heading to her door. "Not so fast Princess."

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