Chapter 4

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Tw: Attempted rape, mentions of harm, some harm (not to Y/n) So skip if you don't wanna read it!

She quickly turned around to face who was their. She looked at her closet and a man emerged. Then, it hit her. The door was locked because he didn't come in from their, nor did he leave. It was her closet she heard. He had been in their all night long. This man was huge. Not built huge but tall and slightly on the fatter side. His hair was balding and grey ish. His face was saggy and wrinkly and the look in his eyes made her freeze. "I knew you'd eventually let me see you." He said, walk-in towards her. She backed up and tried to go for the door. Sadly, she locked it and got stuck trying to unlock it. He was faster. He grabbed her arm and started to drag her to her bed. "L-let me go!" She growled, trying to kick him. She landed one hit on his knee and it was enough to be a bad mistake. He looked at her like a drug addict looks at drugs. He smiled and chuckled. "Wrong move pretty." He said, pulling out her knife. He'd taken it from her bed while she was downstairs eating breakfast. She gasped as he held it to her neck. "Make a sound and I'll end you." He warned as he moved his hand to her pants. She wanted to scream. But before she could say her prayers, they were already answered. Her door was kicked open and the man was ripped from her, along with the knife from him. She scooted back as far as she could from him and watched. Tom and Surprisingly Tord were their. Edd was in the doorway but soon took the knife and went to Y/n to comfort her. "Are you ok? He didn't hurt you did he?" He asked. She shook her head and hugged him tightly, her fear slowing a bit, but not her anxiety. She watched over Edd's shoulder as Tord and Tom dealt with the man. It wasn't a very pretty sight to see. They'd beat in his face enough to look like he'd been in a accident. He had, but with the wrong people. Then they dragged him away. "W-where are they taking him?" She shakily asked. Edd looked behind them. "Somewhere far away from you Y/n." He said. Matt soon came in with a drink for her and more comfort. After a while. Tom and Tord came back to them, the mans blood on them. "He's not going to mess with you anymore." Tord said, panting softly. Tom nodded. "We dealt with him for good." He added. She nodded and closed her eyes. It may have been a short time, but it was enough to scare her for a lifetime now. Tom went to the store to get her the new lock and a few other things. Matt stayed with her as Edd made her another drink. And Tord got himself cleaned up before coming back. "Do you wanna stay in my room tonight while I fix up your room for you?" Tord offered her. She nodded and laid her head on Matt's shoulder as she rested a bit. The day went by with no one else leaving and staying near Y/n all day long. She stayed in the living room with her blanket and rested their while Tord and Tom worked on her room. Edd and Matt took turns watching over her, making sure she was ok and never alone. All to soon, nightfall came and she went to Tord so she could rest in his room. She walked to her door. "Tord?..." She said softly. He looked up from his place in the closet. "Yeah?" He said, standing up. "Can you take me to your room? I wanna go to sleep." She said, looking away slightly. Tom looked up in almost disgust. "Sure, come on. I'll get you settled." He said, walking with her to his room. It was a bit messy but looked like he made an effort to clean it for her. The walls were a dark red and covered with posters and shelves of books. At least, she hoped they were. His bed was a king and was covered with a black blanket and the softest pillows yet. She sighed and laid down with her blanket still around her. Tord left her be and walked to the door. "I'll be in your room ok?" He said. She quickly sat up and before he knew it, her hand was grasping his. "Please stay with me..."

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