What the heck!!!

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Goodnight Dom. She says as she slowly falls asleep. After about half an hour Jean was fast asleep. As she sleeps I move a piece of hair out of her face and kiss her lips. Te amo Jean. I say as I close my eyes and fall asleep with her in my arms... around 5 am I woke up and went down stairs to get a glass water. When I walked out of the kitchen i see a drunk Vince sitting on the couch.

Jean why did you chose him. Vince cries

V, are you ok? I ask. Suddenly he whips around and punches me in the gut.

What was that for? I ask angrily.

Jean is mine. I loved her first. Then you stole her from me! As he said that Mia walks into the room

What's going on? She asks

Vince is drunk and mad because apparently Dom "stole" Jean from him. Leon explains walking into the room

He did man! Vince yells.

Vince! Quiet down Jean and Letty are asleep and if you wake them they will kick you ass. Mia says
(Back to Jean's POV)
What the heck is Vince yelling about I ask as I get out of bed and walk into the hallway to see Letty doing the exact same thing as me.

What's going on down there? I ask

No clue but V is mad. Letty says

While that's a given he's probably drunk. Jessie says from his doorway.

Hola Jess. How are ya this morning? I ask sarcastically

I'm great JB. You know how I love to be woken up at 5;06 in the morning by and angry Vincent. Jessie says with an eye roll.

Come on we better go see what's going on. I say with a sigh as the three of us walk downstairs.

What's all the yelling about? I ask as we walk into the

Princesa go back to bed. Dom says

I'm up because the yelling woke me and I'm not going back to bed without knowing why the heck Vince is yelling at 5 in the morning.

Why did you chose him?! Why Jean?!? Vince yells

What do you mean why did I choose him Vince? I ask

V, man they aren't even together. Leon says with an eye roll

Actually we are. Dom says while wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into his chest....

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