Carolina X Reader

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(This is the best I can get out right now because I'm having writers block.
I'm kind of tired of always writing oneshots that would most appeal to straight females. So I decided to write this one, which could be either gender and with a female as the love interest! Yay!)

You grunted, walking down the hallway. You began to mutter under your breath, "Always has to be perfect. Can't be anything less than perfect. She has to be number one doesn't she? Second isn't that fucking bad, why won't she just—" You stopped when you opened your door. Laying on your bed was none other than, the one and only, Carolina.
"Am I in the wrong room?" She chuckled and stood up. You shook your head and shut the door, walking over next to her, "Your room is right next door. How come you came to mine?" She shrugged, grunting, "I guess I may be a little tired and your room is a bit closer..." You growled lowly, "I told you, you shouldn't be pushing yourself so hard."
You sat down on your bed, laying your helmet behind you. She sat and laid across you. You ran your fingers through her hair, sighing softly. She closed her eyes, "I can push myself as hard as I want, it won't matter. As long as I get to the top again, it won't." You grunted, leaning down and placing a soft kiss to her lips. "It will matter. You're going to push yourself to the breaking point. I'm worried about your physical and mental state."
She leaned up, kissing you again, a bit more rough. You rolled your eyes and pulled away, "You're not listening to me." She sighed, sitting up and laying her head on your shoulder. "I'm sorry. I've always been number one and I've done everything I possibly could to stay there. Then Texas comes in and takes it all away. I'm going to keep trying. I have to beat her. I'm sorry." You wrapped your arms around her, kissing her temple. "I don't want you to get hurt, physically and mentally, or hurt someone else. I love you, Carolina." She nodded, smiling to herself, "I love you too, S/N."

She might've loved you, but she didn't listen. You watched her mind be torn apart. You watched her try to fight Texas. You watched her as she slowly died inside, taking you down with her. You were never the same, and now you're long gone and she's looking back at the thought of you in complete and utter sadness, because she caused you to leave. She was the reason behind every bad thing that ever happened to you, before and after the fall of Project Freelancer.

And she'll never be able to fix her mistakes.

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