Chapter 31 - Vacation

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Jesy's POV

The girls have a two week break of school and since it had been a long, stressful few months for the both the girls and I, I would be the first to say that the three of us need a vacation desperately. We had had the most amazing vacation last year as a family of five on the Greek island of Mykonos, and this year I wanted somewhere similar but didn't want the memories of Mykonos, I think it would be too much to go back to the same place we had been the year before, but with such a different outlook on life and minus two very important members of our family. So after a few online searches and recommendations from friends, I booked flights and a 4 star all inclusive hotel in Crete. As another Greek island, I knew it would be family friendly and the hotel had more than enough stuff to entertain the girls for a 10 day long vacation. 

The girls finished school on a Wednesday and we jetted off from London Gatwick airport on the Saturday so I didn't have much time to get the three of us ready. I had utilised the delivery service of all the local kids clothes shops to buy the girls clothes suitable for the hot weather considering their last vacation had been last October and since then the two had grown. By the time Friday rolled around we were all ready, Leigh Anne had offered to drive us to the airport and the only thing left to do was find the passports. I knew that I must have had the girls passports from when I emptied my parents house but where I had put them was a little bit of a mystery, so at the end of my tether with two excited children and being unable to find the passports, I phoned Leigh Anne. 

Leigh Anne: "Hey Jess, everything alright?" 

Me: "Yeah, well umm- are you doing anything?" 

Leigh Anne: "Noo, why?" 

Me: "I can't find the girls passports, so could you come and help?" 

Leigh Anne: "Sure, I'll be there in five minutes!" 

Within twenty minutes of Leigh Anne being here, both passports were found (hiding under the car insurance documents in the office) and both girls were calm and settled playing in their bedroom quietly. I wasn't quite sure how I was going to manage with both girls for ten days, I don't think I had actually gone ten days since the girls came home without some kind of help. 

Neither girl slept particularly well the night before we left, being way too excited to sleep. Leigh Anne had stayed the night so she was ready to take us for our 11am flight, if there was anything about the vacation that I wasn't looking forward too it would have been the flight. Four hours in a small space with both girls and very little entertainment. And as it turned out I was right to be so apprehensive. 

Check in, baggage drop and security were easy, barely a queue thanks to my decision to arrive at the airport four hours before the flight, so the girls and I did a little duty free shopping before finding a restaurant for brunch and waiting for the plane. We had three seats in a row, I sat in between both girls and despite an initial disagreement about who got the window seat, we compromised by swapping after two hours. The girls played quietly and snacked for three hours, and I was starting to relax. We had done over half, the last hour couldn't be that difficult, right?! 

I was sat quietly reading my book occasionally checking that both girls were okay, but one time I looked up at Eloise currently sat in the aisle seat, she looked a little peculiar, slightly green...

Me: "Are you al-" I started but was stopped by the horrendous sound of slight gagging before she threw up, all over herself, the seat and the floor. She hadn't shown any signs of being ill or coming down with a sickness so I could only guess that it was motion or travel sickness. 

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