Chapter 42 - Behaviour

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Jesy's POV

After Eloise's school meltdown two days ago, she hadn't been back, she wasn't sleeping properly and her behaviour was still a little odd, she definitely wasn't herself and I didn't want to send her to school for her to have another meltdown. 

Yesterday's problem was me, she wouldn't let me out of her sight, it was like she thought I would vanish into thin air if she couldn't see me. I couldn't even go to the bathroom without leaving the door open and her sitting at the other side of it, it was what I imagine having a two year old is like. I knew she had a bad day the day before and didn't want to push her, but it was a little ridiculous. Thankfully today had been different and she was more willing to let me out of her sight although the day wouldn't go without any problems. 

Today's problem seemed to be bedtime. Or the lack of it. Eloise had decided that since the incident at school, she wasn't sleeping in her own bed. I had let sleep in with me the night of the incident, she was so upset and clingy and I didn't think it would be a good idea for her to sleep in her own bed, I now regretted this decision seeings as we had done a full circle back to the first couple of weeks after the accident, only this time she was a year older, with a whole lot more confidence, sass and the ability and apparent desire to cause trouble. 

Me: "Alright girls, settle down," I laughed after letting the girls play for a minute before bed. "Sleep tight, I lov-" I started tucking Olivia in and kissing her forehead before turning to Eloise's bed to see it empty and her half way across the room. 

Me: "Eloise?! Where are you going?!" I asked confused looking between her and her empty bed. 

Eloise: "Your bed." she said pointedly. 

Me: "No, you are not," I sighed, "Your sleeping in here, we've already discussed this. Go on, in to your own bed," I said stepping in front of her blocking the path to the doorway. 

Eloise: "No, I want your bed," she decided crossing her arms. 

Me: "No, Eloise. You don't decide that, I've said no, you're going to sleep in your bed," I said. When she only stepped to the side trying to get past me, I took her under the arms and carried her firmly in to her own bed while she kicked and attempted to get down. "Stop kicking me, young lady!" I warned placing her down. 

Eloise: "No! No fair! I want your bed! Not this one, it's stupid!" she shouted kicking the duvet cover off the bed. 

Me: "Eloise, you don't use words like that and you do not act like that. What do you say?" I asked expecting an apology. 

Eloise: "Sorry..." she muttered under her breath. 

Me: "You better have a serious think about your behaviour overnight, I expect a serious change by tomorrow morning, do you understand?" I asked sternly. Normally I would have put her straight in time out, but it was late and I hoped that she would just go straight to bed. I needed a new punishment, that could just happen. But I think they're too young to be grounded, I mean they don't go anywhere for me to stop them going! And they don't have phones and iPads that I can confiscate! 

Eloise: "Yes..." she said quietly. 

Me: "Good night, I love you," I said kissing her forehead before turning to leave the room. Instead of responding Eloise just turned on her side and ignored me. 

I shut the door of their bedroom behind me and went to sit downstairs, I hoped that Eloise would just admit defeat and stay in her own bed. But the way her behaviour had been the past couple of days I knew that was unlikely, so I kept a firm eye on the top of the stairs where both the girls door and my own bedroom was visible from. 

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