Chapter 5

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You walked down the street whistling and checking your phone in case Susan texts you. She always likes checking in. You heard footsteps and looked around. You saw no one so you just shrugged and continued walking.

Just then a hand grabbed you and dragged you into an alley. You shrieked and went to punch at them put they grabbed your wrist.

"Let go of me," you cried out trying to fight as they pinned you to the alley wall.

"But you're suck a beautiful specimen," a husky voice said and they began to pull at your hair.

You whimpered and pulled away from them. "Get off," you cried out again.

"Shut up," they hissed.

"(Y/n)!" You heard a familiar voice yell.

"Eren! Help me please!" You cried out.

Next thing you know the man who apprehended you was on the ground. Eren stood there clutching his hand.

"Gah. That hurt," he hissed. He then looked at you. "Are you okay?"

You nodded and then hugged him tightly. "Thank you. I was so scared," you said clutching onto him as tears formed in your eyes.

"Yeah. The streets aren't usually safe at this time. Make sure to never walk alone," Eren said and gave you a small smile.

You nodded. "Okay."

"Good. Now let's head back to the hotel," Eren said and then picked you up bridal style and began to carry you on the way back.

"I can walk," you said softly.

"But after that incident I'd prefer to have you closer to me and plus I like carrying you. Makes me feel like I'm saving a damsel on distress," Eren said and chuckled.

"This damsel and knock you out if she wanted to," you teased and stuck your tongue out at him.

"Oh really?" Eren said and smirked.

"Yes," you stated.

"I guess we'll have to see some other time," he said and then you walked into the hotel and he set you down. But he grabbed your hand in his. "Let's go. We've got filming early in the morning."

You nodded and then you both went up to your rooms and fell asleep.

I don't know what's wrong with me but you and Eren had a cute moment so yeah XD

Is It Just Acting (Eren X Reader) (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now