Chapter 2

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 OK everyone, here is the second chapter. This story, I don't really know how long this story will be, but know this, this story will be good, so read it!!!

Chapter 2

Ariana's POV

   The day had arrived. Time to leave everything behind, my friends and family. It was very emotional. Everyone cried, even Frankie, who never cries. I got goodbye gifts from everyone. I cried on my way to the airport, and felt homesick the entire flight. The flight was SUPER long and boring. The only person my age was a girl with possibly dyed black hair with green highlights. Well, my hair is dyed red, so it doesn't matter.

   When the flight was over, I went to find my 4 pink suitcases. Yes, I need that much clothes, plus I brought stuff from home.

   On my way to find my suitcases, I saw green highlight girl. She was looking for her suitcases too. Me being me, I decided to go talk to her.

   "Hi!" I said. She turned around. She had a blank stare on her face. Awkward silence.

   "So, where are you heading for?" I asked her, trying to make conversation. Suitcases came coming through the conveyor belt, including mine and the girl's.

   "London Performing Arts School." she answered back. I gasped loudly. She jumped.

   "No way, I'm going there too!" I was jumping up and down. I now know somebody!!

   "My name is Liz, Liz Gillies, short for Elizabeth." she said.

   "My name is Ariana, Ariana Grande, short for...Ariana." I said. She laughed. She thought about something, and then her face light up.

   "That name, it sounds familiar." she pulled out a piece a paper from her pocket. She nodded her head.

   "Yes, it says here, Ariana Grande; roommate." I gasped again. Liz didn't jump this time.

   "OH MY GOSH, YOU'RE MY ROOMMATE!! WE HAVE TO GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER!! WE SHOULD TAKE A CAB TOGETHER!! COME ON, LET'S GO!!" I grabbed my pink suitcases, and Liz grabbed hers.

   “Hold up, little red!” she yelled. I was pulling her right hand, while pulling two suitcases with that same hand. Liz only had two suitcases, not as big as mine, of course, but still, she had to hold them with her left hand. I was also carrying two suitcases with my left hand. People were watching us, but I love attention.  We finally reached the exit, and called a cab.

   “You are insane!” she yelled at me. I shrugged my shoulders. I’m used to people thinking I’m crazy. I’m not one to hide my feelings. I can run up to any person and talk to them. Being bubbly and social is who I am. The cab driver helped us with our stuff, and we got in. We told him where we were heading.

   “LPAS, huh? You girls must be VERY talented to be going there.” I smiled. Liz is very expressionless, I realized.

   “What are you going to LPAS for?” I asked Liz as the car started moving.

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