Chapter 34

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I love everyone’s comments, but they’re all basically, “plz, update soon!!!” or “this can’t be happening, you need to update!!” I do love reading them though, so I don’t mind much. IDK just thought I should share that with you. Alright, here goes the next chapter!!! J

Chapter 34

Ariana’s POV

Me and Liz decided not to go to class once lunch was over, even thought I was feeling a bit better.

“Do you think Zayn wanted to tell you something earlier today at lunch?” Liz asked me once we were in our room, and were playing a game of Jenga.

“I told him it was best if we did not talk. I don’t think he wants to listen.” I told her, trying very carefully to remove a block from the middle.

“Of course he doesn’t want to listen. Do you think he’s fine with the idea that the devil’s blonde, British sister is controlling his every move?” Liz responded, taking a block from the row below mine.

“Well, he better be. I hate the idea of not talking to him, but we don’t know what Perrie will do next. Besides, I’ve gone by my whole life not talking to him; I can handle 4 more years.” Now, don’t say things you’ll later regret Ari, I mentally told myself. I pushed a block that was two rows below from the one Liz had moved. The Jenga building wobbled, but thankfully, it did not fall.             

“True. Why don’t you talk to him secretly?” She asked. Once she realized if she moved a block from the bottom, the tower would fall, Liz decided to take a block from the top row.      

“I think the point is not to talk to him at all. He’s supposed to forget about me. Plus, Perrie could find out.” I pulled a block from the top too.

“Goodness, you worry too much.” Liz pulled a block from the row below the top one. “Hey, what if I talk to Zayn for you?”

I worry too much, I thought? Of course you’re not worried, you’re not the one being hunted down by a psychotic, British chick.

“That could work, but we have to remember, Jade, Jesy, and Leigh will also be watching me. They might find out you’re talking to Zayn, and who know what can happen.” I pulled a block from the row I first pulled a block from. The tower began to wobble again.

“Damn, Perrie really thought everything through.” Liz pulled a block from the second to top row. I nodded.

“In order to bring Perrie down, we have to get of the girls on our side. Now, how do we do that?” Liz asked, pulling a block from the very bottom. The whole tower fell down.

“Wait, what do you mean WE? Do you really think I wanna mess with Perrie? Nuh uh, no thank you, I’m good.” I told Liz while collecting the Jenga blocks and putting them back in their box.

“Come on Ariana, you know you want revenge. I am an evil mastermind; I can help you come up with something.” Liz assured me. I laughed at her.

“I really appreciate the help, but I’m pretty sure nothing you can think of can compare to Perrie’s evilness.” When we had finished putting all the blocks in the Jenga box, I told Liz, “Now, why would you bring a Jenga set with you to London?”

“Hey, don’t judge me, Jenga is a cool game.” We both laughed.

Since we ditched school, we had to go to detention. And there was no point trying to ditch, the detention teacher came to get us.

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