It still hurts

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"What did you do?!" Aubrey bursted through the door,- her hair, a beautiful mess- causing it to slam against wall.

"Depends on what you are asking." Keeping my eyes on my current work.

She pointed her finger at me, "You killed him," her steps toward my desk were slow and menacing.

My head snapped up, I could feel my heart start to accelerate. "Excuse me?"

She threw a buddle of papers at me, "You killed him!" She took two angry steps, bringing her in front of my desk.

I snatched the papers up.

"Billion Dollar Company Owner- Host- Found Dead!"

I threw the newspaper back down, pushing the rest of it off my desk.
"I don't know what the fuck are you talking about."

"Oh really? Your father disappers for a week and you are just okay with it? Now he shows up dead and your still okay?! If I didn't know better, I'd -"

"You obviously don't know better," I stood from my chair, walking around my desk to meet her,"if you were a smart little girl, you'd let this go. If you don't, your name might end up in the newspaper next." I towered over her.

"Are you threatening me?" She didn't meet my eyes, instead she stared at my chest.

"You wouldn't kill me."
"Oh, try me."

"You can't."
"My gun says otherwise."
"Everyone would know it was you. Your father, he had many enemies. You may get away with that. But me? No one knows me. My father would suspect you, and so would the police. Freshly married, I hold your company's profits in my hand? Those handcuffs would be on you before you can even deny."

She was a little too smart for my liking..

"But, that's not why you won't kill me." She took a step towards me, so we are now chest to chest.
I look down at her.
Her eyes bore into mine.
"You won't kill me, because you're in love with me."

"You can't stare at that screen all day long," Kate comments as she dusts off my bookshelves.

"Shut up," I say sharply. My head was beginning to pound, it felt like someone was trying to hammer their way out.

"You haven't taken your medication.." She lightly comments.
"I said shut up!" I fling my coffee mug her direction.

She screams with fright, but that is all that comes out of her mouth as she sweeps up the glass.
She holds a look of worry in her eyes, but continues to stay silent.
As she exists, she closes the door gently behind her, which ticks me off to a whole new level.

I chase after her, once I grasp her I  shove her against the wall.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!?"
She doesn't respond, instead she shakes her head, having no clue to what she has done wrong. I have no clue either, but I can't stop myself. Tears start to spew out her eyes, as she attempts to wiggle out of my grasp.

"Carter. Carter!" A spacey voice calls out.

"You were trying to kill me! You almost got away with it!" My mother put her hands on my chest, pushing with all her might to put distance between us.

"Carter!" A new pair of hands landed on my shoulders, pulling me back.

Tears stained my mother's face, as more made new trails.
I stumble backwards, falling onto Mary. She shoves me off, my mother takes this as an advantage to make an escape.

"Carter! Have yo-"
"What the fuck!? You, you, just let her get away. After what she did?"

"Carter. That was not her."
"Yes! Yes, no it was!"

"Carter, no. That was Kate. Kate, a maid. Nineteen year old, Kate Bess."

I laid down.
"No. It was her. It was my mother." I mumbled, hot tears find their way to my cheeks.
"And you let her go." I spill out of my clenched jaw.

"Carter. You have to start taking your medicine."
"I don't need it!" I sit up so fast I get dizzy.

"Carter. Your mother died. She is gone! She can't hurt you anymore. You are the only one hurting you."

"No. She is still hurting me."

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