The Story Begins(Rewrite)

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Darkness. That is all Niccolica, know to friends as Nicole, could see. She is confused. Where was she? She felt like shouting, but couldn't get the words out of her mouth. The murder goddess was scared, until she saw a prick of light in the darkness.
There, she sees a brother she knows must be dead. He is pale, with dark hair. She hears him speak, though it is hard to hear. There are only a couple of words she can make out. "We...coming...find you."
And like he appeared he was gone again, leaving her alone in the darkness.
Nicole wakes up in a cold sweat. She didn't know what just happened, but she didn't know how much time she had been asleep. She has to go now. She may have already been in the area for too long.
The Romans, that was what she was running from. A war had been started between the two, Greeks and Romans. The latter was winning by a landslide, having older Greek demigods killed or tossed in to Tartarus for their 'crimes' against the Roman's precious new camper. Nicole didn't understand why they would go to such lengths for someone new, but that didn't matter anymore. They were out for more then blood. They were able to capture the Greek gods and chain them in the deepest pits of Tartarus. Almost no one was left. They had even gotten Zeus. The only gods that Nicole knew were safe were Apollo, who didn't have a different Roman personified, and Hades. Hades had made an ally of Pluto, and helped the Romans fight his siblings. Nicole was appalled when she got word of her father did, and swore that she would take revenge for her family, especially her mother, Nemesis.
Nicole heard a noise in the distance. Damn, she wanted to much time. They had found her. She looked back to see a pack of lycaon, lead by their king. Nicole started to run, but she did notice that they already had scouts that had her surrounded.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here. A little goddess thought that she could get away. To bad she couldn't keep moving. Now it looks like you are cashing you one way ticket to the pits. You can finally visit mommy." King Lycaon jeered at her. But as soon as he said the words, all of the other lycaon fell to the floor, heads rolling from there heads. Nicole's eyes were glowing.
"You have forgotten who you are dealing with savage. I know every way to kill you in the most torturous way possible. Do you DARE say anything about my family again? I might make it a bit easier on you if you tell me, where can I find Hades?" Nicole held a knife-like nail to his neck.
"Ha. I would rather die then betray the Great Roman Empire. Go on. Kill me." He then made a pained noise as his stomach ripped opened and Nicole pulled out organs, one by one, covering herself in golden ichor. He feel dead moments later.
Nicole looked down at herself, realizing what she had done. She was horrified. She had lost control again.
She cleaned herself up and started walking. The bushing near hear started rustling. She threatened whoever was their. Three people came out.

darkness within meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon