The Past

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I saw  brilliant light and 13 tall figures that I guess were the gods. I instantly got on one knee and looked at the ground. I respect these gods. These gods aren’t the traitors I left months ago. The one in the middle, which I assumed was Jupiter stand.

    “Perseus Jackson, rise. We have brought you here today because we have seen the torment and trial the greek scum put you through and believe you worthy to carry our blessings. You will be our champion and fight in our name,” he said.

    “This is an honour my lord. I will not betray you. I have some information though. The Greeks believe the Prophecy of Seven is beginning. I went to their oracle, the only person I could really stand because she is a mortal and tried to help stop the beatings, and she told me that the people in the prophecy don’t actually matter in less it specifies. All we need is me, one of your children, and five other people.  Also, the scum has your Jason Grace and is trying to convert him replace me but are having trouble. He saw what they did to me. His sister has already revoked the greeks and is a spy for me in the hunters. She is currently on a mission to free him. He has two other Greek demigods with him, Leo and Piper. I found them while on the run and they were my spies in the mortal world until recently. They have also revoked the Greeks. Piper was a daughter of Aphrodite, she has one of the strongest charmspeak I have ever heard, I request that Venus give her blessing to her. Leo was a son of Hephaestus, he has the power of flames, I request Vulcan give his blessing to him.”

    “We will accept your request. Now brace yourself. The power intake will put stress on your body and maybe change it.”

    A brilliant light and my body started aching. A few minutes later the light was gone and the first thing I saw were thirteen stunned gods and goddesses. Then Minerva spoke.

“No one has taken even one blessing without screaming, how were you able to take eleven.”

I lowered my head,“I have learned not to scream when I feel pain or they would jeer and beat me harder saying that I am weak.”

Venus started to cry at that and  I looked up. When I did she gasped.

“Your eyes are the color of Fortuna of rainbows. They swirl with bright vibrant color still show a history of pain and lies. You will break many hearts with those eyes. Someone your age should not have the depth that is in your eyes.”

Mars and Vulcan then walked up to comfort her. Now she was sobbing. Then I asked her in a silent voice.

“I have fallen in love with a Roman man named Octavian. I would like to ask you if there is even the slightest possibility that he may return my feelings please tell me. I don’t think I could bare asking him myself and having him hate me.”

She looked at me with teary eyes and replied, “The love between you two is the strongest and purest I have ever seen. You love him with all your heart and he loves you just as much. When you get back talk to him and he will be yours. You will rule all of Rome together and your love will never falter.”

At that moment Jupiter spoke.

“You got a power from all of us. From me you can fly and control electricity. I also give you this coin. Flip it, heads it turns to a sword, tails a spear.”

“From me you have this sword. It turns into whatever weapons you imagine,”said Mars. Now that I saw him clearly I could see some differences between him and Ares. He looked like less of a brute strength type of guy and more of a military intelligence guy.

Vulcan walked up next, I could see the burns on his face, probably from the Flames of the forge. He spoke, “ From me you have the power of the flame. They will not hurt you other than some specific outliers. Greek Fire and hell fire still burn you so will the fires of my own personal Forge. Other than that you will not be burned.”With that he stepped back down.

Next was Venus. She had finally stopped crying so she could talk. “I bless you with the gift of love. You have meant a man that has stolen your heart. He will join you and you will love each other evermore. I will also give you the blessing of charm and a calming aria. It will help bring people to our cause and lure enemies into a false sense of security.”

Next was Minerva. “I have given you that wisdom you will need to make our kingdom stronger.” Short and to the point just as expected. At least she isn't bitching like Athena.

After that was Vesta. I had always like her counterpart but she wouldn't help when I truly needed it due to wanting her family to be happy. It isn't her fault but she still wronged me. Choosing many over one will be her downfall. “From me you have the protection of the hearth’s flame. Whenever you are in need the flames will aid you.”

The others gave increase endurance speed, and agility. Finally it came to Neptune.

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