A Twisted Love Story

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He had tears in his eyes. " Perseus Jackson, I mark you as my child and as heir to my throne. You will have powers over water, poison, and blood. I am sorry for what my counter did Percy.

"You have no reason to be sorry my lord," I said respectfully,"You have don't nothing of ill will to me and have committed no sins against me."

"No need to call me, or anyone else that title, you are allowed to call us by name." We said our goodbyes I was flashed back to camp. What I didn't know is that Venus was talking to Apollo about me.

There was a flash and I was back in Camp Jupiter to see everyone staring until Octavian yelled, all hail Lord Perseus, son of Neptune, champion of the gods, and god of the betrayed." It was then echoed by the rest of the camp.

I heard a voice in my head. " We thought it would be a nice surprise if we made you a god. We believed you deserved it and you would be just and fair," the voice, which sounded like Jupiter said.

Reyna then spoke. "Lord Perseus, we would be honoured if you choose to stay at our camp."

" I would love to stay, but please stop it with the 'Lord Perseus' thing. Please just call me Pery. Treat me no better than the normal camper. Also I would like to teach a course on greek tactics to get to know the enemy. I would also like to stay with Octavian."

"It shall be done ,Percy. I hope you have a lovely stay at Camp Jupiter." And with that everyone started to leave. Soon It was only me and Octavian left. I walked up to him slowly and asked one question.

"Octavian, would you like to rule by my side as my queen? I promise to be kind and loving, as you have shown my no selfish desire, nor is my love for you fake to hide like my old love." I was worried about his response, for ever though Venus said the feeling is mutual I was scared he was going to say no or hate me like the scum did.

"I would love to my lord," he said smiling before running up to hug me. I hugged back just as enthusiastically. We were so happy. We walked to the outskirts of camp where I made another cabin. Well, I wouldn't describe it as a cabin. It was more like a manor. We walked in and went to our room to sleep. We were both in gentle bliss. When we woke up it was morning and we got dressed and ate breakfast in the manor. Then we went out to meet with the leaders of the other cabins and Reyna when I got an IM. It isn't an Iris Message but and Isis Message. It was Leo and Piper with Jason. They said they were able to escape and were on their way. Thalia would be joining them shortly. We continued our way to the meeting and when we got there we sat down and began.

Reyna began, "We have had a few sightings of Greek monsters around the camp recently. We think the scum are trying to get Percy."

"That would be correct. If you remember, when I got here I was being chased by gorgons. If this continues I will declare war, and we will win as they have lost their greatest asset. Now I have news, I have just gotten a message. Jason is on his way with three ex-greeks. Their names are Leo Valdez, disowned son of Hephaestus, son of Vulcan, Piper, disowned daughter of Aphrodite, daughter of Venus, and Thalia Grace," at this they gasped, "disowned daughter of Zeus, daughter of Jupiter, and Jason's sister by both mother and father. They will arrive shortly and are aware of the situation. I don't want any cruelty towards them for their greek blood, if I find out that someone has harassed them then they will be punished accordingly. Please tell your cabin mates this. They will stay with me and Octavian, Jason may if he wishes." I suddenly started shaking and vomiting blood. So much happen yesterday I forgot about my poor health condition. They quickly brought me to the hospital in New Rome. There we all discovered the extent of the damage.

Third Person

"He has a bruised lung, his back is torn to shreds, He has major scarring, the wounds on his back are infected , and it looks like these are only the most recent of his injuries. If he was mortal he would be dead. He should be dead." Everyone in the room was pale, with Hazel and Octavian crying. Percy looked unfazed and like he was in little pain.

" It isn't the worst that they've done. At least they didn't puncture my lungs again." after that everyone was crying.

Reyna asked, " How are you alive? How much have you gone through?" Percy answered as if she just asked him the time of day.

"They have stabbed me, snapped my neck, burned me alive, crushed me, electrocuted me, and much more. However, they would never let me truly die, as Hades has to give fair trial and they knew that I would go to Elysium. They didn't want for my suffering to end. During the war I bathed inside the River Styx to get on an even level with the enemy, they knew that and stayed away from my mortal spot."

He then was given some ambrosia and was healed. Suddenly they heard a loud roar and the sound of gears turning. Percy knew, his team was there. They all went outside and saw a sight that amazed them, it was Leo, Jason, Thalia, and Piper on a giant mechanical dragon. They landed in an open field near by and walked to the city, there they were greeted by Percy, Octavian, and Reyna. When Reyna saw Jason she ran up and hugged him, meanwhile, Leo, Piper, and Thalia walk to Percy's side and gave him there report.

"We have recruited many of the wandering demigods that have no yet been to Camp Half-blood. Nico returned to camp, but left shortly after with Will and Bianca. The Greeks no longer have an oracle as Rachel has defected. She is now our eyes in the mortal world. After learning about the romans the idiots are planning to attack, however they have no clue of our location or numbers. They have a new "hero" by the name of David Calget, he is a son of Zeus, however he is an idiot and didn't inherit much of his father's power. Annabitch is dating him. The Gods are weakening. Without their savior they are helpless and numerous war have almost broken out. Clarisse and a few of her siblings have defected as they see the truth and don't want to be affiliated with the Greeks when they face your wrath. They'll continue recruiting. Apollo has defected as you probably already know as he is the same in Greece and Rome. Artemis has gone into a depressed state. That is all."

"Thank you. We have not much to fear from the Greeks. They have no plan and no information. They have no prophecies either which means unless they have a god personally come to them they can't go on any quests. Apollo is loyal to the end and I know I can trust him. He was willing to give up some of the people he considered family for me." At that I blushed. I will have to talk to Octavian to see if he would be alright with sharing me.

After we finished our discussion me and Octavian went back to our 'cabin'. I decided this would be the best time to ask Octavian. " Octavian, there is something I want to ask you. I have a crush on Apollo and I think he likes me back. Would you be okay with me dating both of you? If you say no that is okay and we can go back to the way we have been, but please consider it."

I was scared that he would hate me. I was telling him that I love someone else. What if he thinks I am trying to replace him? What if he thinks I think he isn't good enough. What if- "I understand and am okay with your decision. You don't choose who you fall in love with and I can't blame Apollo if he did fall in love with you. As long a I am not forgotten about I am fine with it. You could be dating all of Olympus and I wouldn't care because I love you."

I wasn't expecting that responds, but I was happy about it. I can both of the men I love and neither would be upset. After thanking him I went up to Olympus to see Apollo.



I am back! The story will continue with more regular updates.

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