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Third Person POV

When I got to Olympus I, quite literally, ran into Venus. She gave me a knowing look and lead me on my way to Apollo as she knew were he was. She brought me to a building that seemed to glow, gave me some flowers, rang the doorbell, and left. Seconds later Apollo opened the door and saw me, blushing madly. I handed him the flowers. "Apollo, I wanted to ask if you would allow me to have the honour of dating you. I love you and wanted to ask even if you said no."

" I would love to Percy. I love you and would be very happy to call you my boyfriend. I was scared to ask because you were already dating Octavian and I was sure you didn't like me back or that Octavian wouldn't be okay with it. I would love to date you. I am sorry I was unable to help you. I was lock in a room and not let out until you had already left. I wanted to get you out of there so badly. I am happy that you found Camp Jupiter."

Percy was surprised, Apollo said yes? He had expected a no, or a I'm sorry, but not a yes. When he got over his shock he smiled. "I am so happy that you said yes. Would you like to stay with me and Octavian? I know that you have a great place up here, better than I have on Earth,but you would get to stay and live with us. I would understand if you said no. It would make sen-." Apollo put a finger over Percy's mouth.

"I'll stay with you on Earth. Don't worry about a thing. I will be good with anything you provide. I love you, and not like those mortals I have loved before. I truly love you. I won't leave your side for anyone. I am yours." Apollo looked into Percy's eyes, there was undoubtedly love in those eyes.

"Come on then, lets go tell 'tavian the good news." Percy was so happy. He teleported both of them to camp where everyone present immediately bowed.

"Lord Apollo, why have you graced us with your presence," said Reyna, still on one knee. Apollo turned to her and smiled.

"I am here to stay with my darling Percy, of course. I will be living with him and Octavian. Percy is courting me." Jaws dropped. A god had never stayed with their lovers, much less courted. They would go on a few dates, but never stayed long enough to properly court their lover. Courting also implied marriage. A god never married a mortal.

Suddenly a guard, Frank, ran up. "Praetor Reyna, there is a battleship flying our way. Should we attack?" Percy was the one that answered.

"Don't attack, those are my men and your other Praetor, Jason. Tell them to land next to my cabin. I will go meet them and prepare a meeting. They will give a report then. They will be coming with more people than those I named earlier. They will be bringing Clarisse, a daughter of Ares,who defended me before being imprisoned as well. I have another ally that will not be with us. His name is Will Solace. He has taken Nico and his reborn sister, Bianca out of the camp, he will slowly convince them do join us." Suddenly a battleship landed and out came Leo, Piper, Thalia, Clarisse, and Jason. Jason walked up to Reyna and hugged her. Thalia, Clarisse, Leo, and Piper walked to Percy and saluted. "At ease guys, no need to be so tense." They all relaxed.

Thalia spoke, "Do you want us to give a report?"

"Soon, we will be having a meeting." Percy walked up to Jason. "Hello Praetor Jason Grace. It is a pleasure to see you when I am not being torture."

Jason bowed, "Thank you for saving me, my lord. I have decided that I will be your loyal soldier."

"Don't sweat it. From now on you will be working with Piper and Leo. I won't send you on missions most of the time, just going to find demigods and recruit them. Now let's go to our new cabin." He lead them to the cabin.

"This isn't a cabin man, this is a mansion." This intelligent comment came from Leo. Octavian and Apollo stood on the porch, talking.

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