The Meeting

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The other demigods recognized Apollo in seconds and bowed. "No need guys. I am with Percy. You are his family, and you are mine too." Piper squealed, shocking everyone.

"Yes, one of my OTPPs are happening." When she saw the confused faces, she explained. "One true Percy pairing." A wave of ohs followed.

Percy spoke up. "It is time for the meeting, all cabin leaders, my family, and Praetor Reyna come. Anyone who would like to spectate may also come."

When they got to the meeting room, they began. First, Piper spoke. "As of now the greeks think the coast is clear. They have relaxed. Annabeth," queue a growl from Percy, "Was awarded for stopping the titans and the 'traitor', you. They know that Apollo has defected. Hades sides with us. Luke is in Elysium, though he is seeing about rebirth. Hades says he would be willing to he him skip a step so that he has his memory. I am sure he would join us. We have told him what has happened, and he has renounced his father, well more than he already had. He also has broken his sibling bond with Annabeth."

Reyna spoke when Piper finished. "I assume we will be leading an attack on Camp Half-blood. Is there anyone that we shouldn't attack? If so, we need to know." She had a serious look on her face. She wasn't happy about what happened to Percy. She wanted to get a swing at Annabeth. She hurt the person she had started to think of as an older brother.

"There are two satyrs at the camp, Coach Hedge and Grover. Both aren't enemies as of yet. We don't attack bystanders. Other than that, no. However, I want to wait for the rest of my troops come. I have the monsters of Tartarus as well as Will and hopefully the two children of Hades." The other campers were surprised. They forgot that Percy was the son of Tartarus. "Is that all?" When there was no response he continued. "This meeting is adjourned."


After the meeting, Percy and his group went back to their cabin. He let his family do their own thing, and brought Apollo and Octavian out on the second floor balcony. He wanted to talk to them. "I love both of you. You do know that,right? You aren't just a one night stand. I may like more people, I may date more people, but I don't love you any less."

They smile at him and nod. "We know love. We trust you. You wouldn't betray us like that. Your fatal flaw is loyalty. We love you no matter what. Right Octavian?" Octavian nodded, agreeing with Apollo's statement."

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